A message from ACTRA Toronto President David Gale

ACTRA members voted 80.29% in favour of ratifying the National Commercial Agreement (NCA) terms of settlement reached with the Association of Canadian Advertisers (ACA). The one-year renewal of the NCA provides a rate increase and a pilot project for a streamlined residual model, with a commitment to simplify and modernize the NCA to create more work opportunities for ACTRA members.

The bargaining committee would like to thank all members for their solidarity and support. 

The NCA lockout demonstrates the vital importance of member engagement. ACTRA Toronto Council continues to step up our efforts to involve members in the decisions that affect our wages, our working conditions, our livelihoods, and our lives.

All the rallies and the boycotts we organize are ultimately about leveraging member engagement to build the unity of purpose we need to defend and extend our commercial jurisdiction.

Unions have a name for unity of purpose.

We call it “solidarity” and it is our only weapon.

Without solidarity we have no power. With it, we are an unstoppable force. By informing, engaging and empowering all members to act in solidarity, we secure a future of fairness, dignity, and prosperity for each and every one of us.

So, let’s get our act together, my friends, and, in solidarity, let’s make a pledge to make things better.

In solidarity, let’s pledge ourselves to ask questions, get answers and share accurate information with each other.

In solidarity, let’s pledge ourselves to building our unity and power by respectful and democratic engagement to find consensus.

In solidarity, let’s pledge ourselves to negotiate a modernized and simplified agreement, get the ICA back to the table and work towards a strengthened and expanded jurisdiction, a contract that secures more work opportunities, better terms and stronger protections for more union members and attracts more engagers.

In solidarity,

David Gale


ACTRA Day of Action – Tuesday, August 22, 2023

We’re picketing Wendy’s, a brand still working with a union-busting, locking-out agency.

The picket is taking place at two simultaneous restaurant locations from noon to 2pm. These are targeted information pickets rather than mass gatherings. Sign up for the Flying Squad below to receive information about picket times and locations.

Join us as we put pressure on Wendy’s and other brands. Let’s end the lockout now!

Flying Squad

Click the button below to find out more about ACTRA Toronto’s NCA Flying Squad. Get on the list to receive alerts and information about pickets, rallies and other NCA actions.