ACTRA Toronto issues callback cheques to members as soon as possible upon receiving the audition sign-in sheets from the casting director. While we aim to process and issue cheques within 5 business days, processing times may be longer than usual due to current staffing levels.

The callback audition fee was initially introduced to dissuade casting and production personnel from requiring unnecessary second and third auditions and also to compensate performers for their expenses.

Help Us Pay You Sooner

To be paid for a second, third or subsequent callback audition, you must write clearly on the sign-in sheet at the audition. ACTRA Toronto staff will not be able to obtain your callback fee if your name is illegible. Please PRINT your name clearly on the sheet, DON’T use your signature. Make sure you indicate the audition number (second, third, etc.). Be sure to fill in the audition call time and time out.

  • Please PRINT your name clearly on the sheet.
  • DON’T use your signature. 
  • Make sure you indicate the audition number (second, third, etc.).
  • Be sure to include the audition call time and time out.

Keep Good Records

Keep track of your auditions in a datebook or logbook. If you think you’re owed money for a callback, you’ll need the facts (date, time, product, audition number, and any other important information) to verify what you’re owed. ACTRA does not keep logs for performers who attend auditions.

Callback Audition Fee

Performers called back for a second or subsequent audition shall receive $50.00 per diem per callback audition as reimbursement for their expenses incurred.

Situations Where Callback Fees Will NOT Be Issued:

  • No callback fees are paid for first auditions.
  • No callback fees can be paid if your name is illegible on the audition sign-in sheet.
  • No callback fees can be paid if ACTRA doesn’t have your current mailing address.
  • No callback fees will be sent to agents.

In Case of Non-Payment

Please report non-payment to Please provide the relevant information, including your membership number, date of the audition, and the product for which you auditioned.