Please be advised that the reality television series, Beast Games aka Project Greenlight, produced by: MB S1 On Inc., Blink49 Studios, and Green Light is not signatory to any ACTRA Agreement and is therefore a non-union Production. ACTRA’s Constitution and By-laws prohibit union members from working on such productions.
We wish to remind you of Section 3A of the ACTRA National By-law No. 7, which provides as follows with respect to Member Conduct, Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline Process:
Members are to:
- Work for signatories: A member must work only for an engager or producer who is a signatory to a relevant ACTRA collective agreement and consistent with the ACTRA Policy Statement respecting the engagement of ACTRA Performers (Appendix E).
- A member must work for an engager who is in good standing – i.e. has not been declared an unfair engager.
In addition, ACTRA members are reminded of the ACTRA Off-shore Productions Policy. (https://www.actra.ca/work-notices/off-shore-productions/)
Please be advised that, as a member of ACTRA, you are not permitted to work on the reality television series, Beast Games aka Project Greenlight. Please don’t hesitate to contact ACTRA Toronto if you have any questions.
For further details on what’s shooting under ACTRA Toronto’s jurisdiction, please visit our What’s Shooting page. (https://actratoronto.com/whats-shooting/)