Meet your Candidates for ACTRA Toronto Council

Although the candidates’ statements and photographs are available on the voting site, trying to read them all on the site may cause your voting session to time out. So, take your time, and read the statements here. You may vote for up to 24 candidates.

Online voting for eligible members will open at 9:00 a.m. ET on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, and close at 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday, November 10, 2023.

Your 2023 ACTRA Toronto Council Candidates

Election Statements and content accessed through the links must be factual and not include any defamatory comments. If a candidate statement fails to comply with these guidelines, and if time permits, the candidates may be allowed to revise their Election Statements within a time set by the Election Committee. If an Election Statement is not revised to the satisfaction of the Election Committee, it will not be published.

NOTE: Candidate Statements in compliance with these guidelines are not edited but presented as submitted.

George Alevizos

Heather Allin

Darrin Baker

Sandra Beckles


David Gale


Theresa Tova


Naomi Snieckus


Angelica Lisk-Hann


Theresa Tova


Ellen Dubin


David Gale


Heather Allin

My name is George Alevizos, and I am an actor living in Toronto and a current sitting ACTRA Toronto and National Council member, and in a wheelchair. I know the past few years have been very difficult, but my fight for equal representation hasn’t stopped. I am running again because I have just started the Disability Alliance Sub-Committee, which is here to help empower the entire membership. Disability affects approximately a quarter of the population in Canada, and I am here to fight.

These are challenging times and there will be more. ACTRA is about improving performers work opportunities, rights and fair compensation. I fight for: Canadian stories filling our screens; Toronto remaining a centre of creative excellence; respectful workplaces; I seek real inclusion, belonging, equity and representation. Bargaining and enforcement are key to our security, safety and creativity. With passion, energy and commitment, I’ll work to improve our rights – performer's rights. You have possibly met me: I’m an OSLO, the creator of the ACTRA Conferences, a Past President, a Councillor of 22 years and your advocate. I ask for your vote.

I am a 40 year Film and TV veteran and proud long-standing member of ACTRA as well as SAG/AFTRA. We are facing some difficult issues presently and now is the time to be unified and well represented. I would love to be your voice in council. It’s my time to give back. I’m your guy.

I’m a Toronto-born actor and voiceover artist who enjoys working in front and occasionally behind a camera, having studied TV and Broadcast production. I have appreciated the benefits of ACTRA membership for over a decade. In early 2021, I became part of the NCA Bargaining Team and in solidarity with my ACTRA siblings, I champion the right to fair and equitable employment for our members. I also participate in the ACTRA Voice, and TAWC committees, as well as the AI Subcommittee.

Tim Beresford

André Blissett

Kenton Blythe

Alana Bridgewater


Nate Mills


Tara Yelland


Amare Dejene


Farah Foster-Manning


Lise Cormier


Asante Tracey


Lisa Michelle Cornelius


Nadine Whiteman

I was raised in an ACTRA home and have been a proud member for 16 years. I consider myself lucky to be part of a union that allows me to live the life of an artist and support my family. But our way of life is under attack. And I believe the way forward lies in our greatest power: the members. I intend to advocate for you—the membership, for its engagement, for its organization, and for greater transparency within our union. There is strength in Unity. Let's come together and vote for change.

My name is André Blissett and it is with great pride and responsibility that I submit my nomination for a position within our esteemed union. The power of performance, whether it be on screen, on air, or behind the microphone, is an invaluable part of our culture and has shaped my personal and professional life in profound ways. Issues we have faced help fuel my passion for ensuring fair representation, equitable opportunities, and a nurturing environment for all ACTRA members.

I have ADHD. I believe this is an asset to council because I can find creative solutions to problems that others may miss. I was represented by Compass and had money stolen from me and want to protect people from having this happen to them. I want to create a culture in our union that cultivates growth in artists and drive to create original work. I want us to feel like we have power. I want to eliminate the culture of shame towards actors who also are also background performers.

My name is Alana Bridgewater and I am passionate about the Arts and the way we navigate in it. I want to add my voice to the fabric of my union so I can affect change. Times are changing and I want collaborate with fellow members to look at innovative ways to bring ACTRA into the 21st century. In order for our union to survive we must learn to adapt without losing our strength. I look forward to bringing some insight into the way we look at new media.

Jason Bryden

Martha Chaves

John Cleland

William C. Cole


Rebecca Northan


Paul Bates


Maria del Mar


Jocelyne Zucco


Raoul Bhaneja


Allegra Fulton


Bruce Stanfield


Kelly Lamb

It's overdue I give back to a union that's given me so much. Without ACTRA I wouldn't have my home, health benefits, nor would I've been paid my worth. As council member my focus will be on resolving the National Commercial Agreement. I’ve done over 300 ads. We need our jurisdiction back. In 2024 the Independent Producers Agreement is up . We must set the tone. The war on labour means we need a new approach. With adversity comes great opportunity. I’m excited to serve my fellow performers.

I've proudly served as an ACTRA TO Council Member since 2021. Despite pandemic lockdowns & commercial lockouts, we've worked tirelessly to protect our members' rights & well-being. As a Diversity & Inclusion Committee member, I've been invested in creating an environment where nobody feels excluded. My mission is to continue being an unwavering advocate for performers, & to foster a solid, trustworthy relationship between performers & the Union.

I've been an ACTRA member since '99. I always thought, "I'll act and the union will do union stuff." I paid my bills, raised a family. I had concerns but as long as my career was alright…The lockout changed all that. In the last 2 years, I got involved co-chairing the AI committee, going to council meetings, focus groups, rallies & the OLRB. The time is now to fight for more transparency, member engagement & greater accountability from our union. Let's come together and vote for change.

"I’m an actor (recent casting, ‘Magnetosphere’, ‘Cafe Daughter’), author, entrepreneur, with an extensive background in business. I recently sold my business which has now afforded me an opportunity to dedicate more time to my acting career and uphold the responsibilities required as an ACTRA council member. I believe I bring with me a wealth of knowledge which I’m excited to share with my fellow ACTRA members”.

Paul Constable

Lise Cormier

Nicola Correia-Damude

Gabriella de la Torre


Joy Tanner


Theresa Tova


Pierre Simpson


Jocelyne Zucco


Carlos Gonzalez-Vio


Amy Matysio


Rainbow Sun Francks


Emily Stranges

You probably know me as Gary, the Canadian Tire Guy, a position I maintained for more than a decade. However, in April 2022, it came to an abrupt conclusion, resulting in the cessation of employment opportunities for union members in commercials across the country. Drawing upon my extensive ten-year tenure, I am determined to bridge the existing divide and reinvigorate this beleaguered industry. In these challenging times, we are in need of seasoned members to guide us along the correct course.

I have a background in activism and peer mediation. I have attended YEAA meetings, and attended a meeting of folks with accents, as an ally. I would like to see making a living as an artist financially viable. I support lobbying the government for a basic income. Storytelling is essential to human survival. How can we witness the stories from folks who are in precarious financial situations due to systemic factors affecting underrepresented communities, unless their basic needs are met?

I am honoured to run for a 2nd term as an ACTRA Councillor. I am passionate about Equity and respecting the Artist. As a BIPOC Woman I’ve experienced the lack of inclusivity in our industry. But it’s not just about representation. It’s about equitable treatment of background performers, improving negotiating power for Canadians, making “ACTRA minimum” a starting point not an expectation and ending the commercial lockout. It’s about respect, transparency and progress. Let’s make it happen.

As ACTRA Toronto’s Red Carpet host at TIFF 2023, I helped shine a spotlight on Canadian performers. As a Latinx performer, I will elevate our talented artists by rallying and supporting diversity, marginalized performers from underrepresented communities and performers who are BIPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+ and those with disabilities. As an ACTRA Toronto Councillor you can count on me to not be easily intimidated and I will fight for our rights including a fair NCA deal, safe workplaces and AI protection.

Chattrisse Dolabaille

Elana Dunkelman

Farah Foster-Manning

David Gale


Lisa Michelle Cornelius


Janet-Rose Nguyen


Ali Momen


Kimberly-Sue Murray


André Blissett


Olena Medwid


Grace Lynn Kung

Theresa Tova

Hey, ACTRA Toronto! While I'd be new to Council, my related previous experience includes co-chairing ACTRA Toronto's Diversity & Inclusion Committee with Janet Rose Nguyen from June 2021 to June 2023, and being on the Board of Directors for the Arcadia Artists' Co-op. I'm a writer, performer, producer, and brand new mom who is eager to learn more about how solutions are implemented in a time where problems for creative professionals keep multiplying ... and I hope I can count on your votes!

ACTRA member since 2003, my vision is unwavering: prioritize transparency, elevate member engagement, and end the NCA dispute. I want to champion AI protections, bargaining reform and to foster unshakable solidarity with sibling Unions. ACTRA members deserve a union that thrives on democratic principles, where every voice resonates, & decisions are made openly. I seek your trust & collaboration to build a brighter future. There is strength in Unity. Let's come together & vote for change.

I want to be nominated to guide and provide the best information to other members within my ability. We all deserve a right to all the benefits ACTRA had to offer.

For 3 years I have proudly served as ACTRA Toronto’s President, mostly from home via Zoom. But we still got things done! Including successfully negotiating the 2021 IPA online. We finally ventured out of our homes only to find climate change wreaking havoc with our planet and bodies, AI threatening to steal our identities, and a livable wage nearly out of grasp. Add to that locking-out commercial engagers and the WGA & SAG-AFTRA strikes shutting down a huge part of our business. Get ready siblings because we will likely be rallying together again soon. WE ARE ACTRA!

Thalia Gonzalez Kane

Emily Hurson

Jameson Kraemer

Sean James Lee


Debra McGrath


Gugun Deep Singh


Tony Nappo


Linda Ballantyne


Kevin Hanchard


Paloma Nuñez


Madeleine Kane

Michael S. Morrone

I believe in the power of unions and the strength of solidarity. I have served as a Councillor for ACTRA Toronto and ACTRA National, co-chair for the outACTRAto committee, and the steering committee for the National 2SLGBTQIA+ committee. In that time, I've learned about how unions work and the collective power we have as members when we come together to work, share ideas, and listen to each other’s experiences. I'm committed to improving our working conditions and setting a standard in our industry.

As a dedicated ACTRA member since 2001, I specialize in voice work, which has been severely underrepresented on council. Council needs a fresh perspective to reenergize our union and to advocate for change. If elected I want to push the status quo and help create a union that works for all its members. As always, I will absolutely amplify the voices of our 2SLGBTQ members. Moving forward, it is crucial to elect a new, motivated council. Let’s make that change happen together.

Post-pandemic issues. The NCA lockout. Threats of AI & wage cuts. These are the challenges we face. This a crucial time for your voice to be heard and that’s why I am running for council. Knowledge empowers union members; guesswork weakens us. I intend to be part of a new council that will restore its power through consistent & open communication, plain speech, & tangible opportunities for members to lead. There is strength in Unity. Let's come together & vote for change.

My journey in the acting world has always been intertwined with my dedication to workers' advocacy. With a Master's of Industrial Relations (MIR) and over five years of relevant work experience in dispute resolution, collective bargaining, and union advocacy, I would be honoured to represent you as an ACTRA Toronto Council member. I firmly believe that my unique combination of education, professional experience, and work as a professional actor makes me an excellent candidate for this position.

Matt Lemche

Minh Ly

Cihang Ma

Amy Matysio


David Gale


Debra McGrath


Josette Jorge


Fane Tse


Ken Hall


Wilfred Lee


Nicola Correia-Damude


Julie Lemieux

The past two years have been exhausting: US strikes, and a commercial lockout here. I know our unity and collective strength will win this fight. I have been an alternate at Toronto and Nat. Councils; I know what needs to be done. I will keep fighting for our jobs, safety, voice, and place in this industry. I want improved member engagement, fair pay for Canadian stories on streaming platforms, support for marginalized performers, and open communication to unite our voices. Together, we thrive.

Hi everyone, I’ve been an ACTRA member for the past 15 years. I’ve served as a CAEA council member for 3 years, and for a CUPE local, so am familiar with the need to be specific with language in bylaws, policies and agreements. I’ve also sat as an alternate to get a better understanding of the workings of our council. I’m passionate about inclusivity in all forms, and safe work conditions within our industry. I’m eager to learn more about the processes of our union, and the needs of our members.

Gender identity is a vital piece of who we are. Actors who are allowed the space to exist authentically do their best work. As a non-binary actor who has fought to be authentically represented in this industry (in wardrobe, on set), I can speak to the challenges, the helpful practices, and specific changes that I feel can lift those barriers. I want to help make this industry easier for trans and genderqueer actors to work in, from the casting process to performing on set.

The intricacies of our craft are as diverse as the stories we tell. Defending our artistry once felt easier, now it's taken the spotlight as we relentlessly protect our livelihoods, honour past gains and prepare to fight for more. I'm a sharp communicator, collaborator, and connector with a proud ACTRA history since 2002—multiple council terms (Saskatchewan), producing, lobbying, accolades, and caucus leadership. I have a ferocious sense of this industry and I labour across every agreement in our Union. My desire to serve this membership feels electric. I want to work for creative workers. Let's come together and vote for change.

Mercedes Morris

Sally Nakazi

Janet-Rose Nguyen

Emily Nixon


Sam Asante


Hershel Blatt


Lisa Michelle Cornelius


Ana Sani


Zara Jestadt


Blessing Adedijo


Richard Young


Amanda Joy

ACTRA needs its strongest warriors during this critical time in our industry & I’M READY! Known for my passion & motivational skills, I’m eager to fiercely advocate for our union. As a Black female actress, with natural hair, I’m a seasoned pro at advocating. Protection from A.I + advancing diversity & inclusion are my priority. Having served on UofT’s Anti-Racism committee, I encourage you to utilize my devotion to protect & improve our rights, insuring the overall integrity of our industry.

Dear Colleagues, I am seeking your vote to serve on the ACTRA Council, if elected, because I would like to understand how we are conducting our order of business and representing our best interests in the industry. I'm knowledgeable on some topics and equally ignorant on others but I do bring some transferable skills to the table. If I serve as a new Councilor, I can promise to listen and explore solutions to problems faced by our membership. Thank you for your consideration.

I am running for re-election as I am better educated in our union for my second term to assist in guiding us forward. My previous role as the Diversity & Inclusion Committee Co-Chair demonstrates my commitment to inclusivity and equity with initiatives like Picture Day and the Sandi Ross Awards. I would like to continue to serve on Council to share perspectives not heard in our union and to continue to fight for fair compensation, a star system, and inclusivity.

Dear ACTRA siblings. I’m an actor, filmmaker, and producer. I’m passionate about workers’ rights and climate justice. In our industry, and also in the world at large. I have volunteered with ACTRA for years, including teaching financial literacy courses to members. If I am elected, I will fight for change and greater inclusion in our industry. I will also connect us with other unions in the greater fight for social justice. We are 28,000 people. It’s time for us to claim our power.

Samy Osman

Kristen Pepper

Tavia Pereira

Dina Pino


Louisa Zhu


Lisa Michelle Cornelius


Brooklyn Marshall


Anne-Marie Krytiuk


Louisa Zhu


Julius Cho


Toni Ellwand


Emily Hurson

What actions are in the best interest of our members? If there's one priority for me, it's to keep asking that question; realizing that those answers may shift and morph as a result of greater understanding and changing circumstances. Let's build upon the great work of our predecessors while striving for continual growth. The membership contains a diversity of voices, as diverse as the number of members. Let's focus on our common ground and find those answers together as united we are stronger.

As a council member, I will continue fighting for fair wages, body autonomy & other performer rights highlighted during the past 17 months with the NCA and AMPTP. In 2022, I experienced extreme harassment on a union theatre contract that left me in a highly unsafe work environment. Ever since, my life mission is to contribute to real anti-discrimination/harassment by-law change & mental health initiatives for performer safety while also highlighting the importance of diverse and queer voices.

I’m thrilled to be running for council this year. I’ve been an alternate on council for the last term - participating in 10 Toronto Council meetings. I also alternate on ACTRA National and have participated in 2 of the meetings. I have represented ACTRA at the Canadian Federation of Labour Congress and Ontario Federation of Labour. I am passionate about education and communication and have taken on the roles of Respect On Set Facilitator and Chair of the Young Emerging Actors Assembly committee.

Member since 2001 (TV/Voice/Ads), my unwavering commitment to our careers & livelihoods fuels my passion. Like thousands of you, I’ve stood by our Union during this extended lockout, restricting us from work by our most affluent engagers. Members, U okay? An observer at Council meetings, ongoing OLRB hearings, I've seen transformative power in informed & engaged Members in advancing our collective fight to be thriving contributors in the ecosystem of our creative industry. The Union IS the Members. There’s strength in Unity. Let’s come together and vote for change.

Gord Rand

Tonjha Richardson

Michelle Roy

Anett Rumanoczky


John Cleland


Jeanie Calleja


Heather Allin


Lisa Michelle Cornelius


Tony Nappo


Jonathan Breedon


Antonio Nappo


Angelica Alejandro

I want protect Canadian actors' rights and foster creativity. That means enshrining union rights that are under threat, making it easier to pursue independent creative projects, welcoming in new ACTRA members so our union is refreshed and remains strong, and teaming with other affiliations to create good, creative working partnerships. Let's come together and vote for change.

Dear fellow ACTRA members, I am excited to announce my candidacy for ACTRA Toronto Council 2023. Over the past few years, I have had the honour to co facilitate how to build a respectful workplace with ACTRA's Respect on Set workshop, co-chair of TAWC (Toronto ACTRA Women's Committee) and co-chair of the Disability Alliance committee, where I am passionate about educating and advocating for equity and accessibility. Let me bring your voice to the table. Please vote for positive change.

My name is Michelle Roy (Actress, Writer, and Filmmaker). I've been an ACTRA Toronto Member since 2015, and have been on the ACTRA Toronto Apprentice Caucus as a Vice-Chair and also as a Member-At-Large. I am currently on the outACTRAto Committee and the Green Committee, and also an Ontario Green Screen Ambassador. I've recently graduated from Toronto Metropolitan University with a Certificate in Film Studies and I'm eager to help other ACTRA Toronto members – in Solidarity, always!

I work as a Background Performer, Stand-in, and Stunt Performer in the film industry. I also had a chance to alternate for Tony Nappo in previous council meetings and realized how Background Performers are underrepresented. I have had the opportunity to work across Canada, and I came to the painful realization how poorly the Background Performers are treated, and how isolated our Northern Union Members are. My main goals, as a council member, are to make ALL members feel heard and represented.

Thomas Schulz

Gugun Deep Singh

Samora Smallwood

Darren Stewart-Jones


Daren Sullivan


Jennifer Tocheri


Nicola Correia-Damude


Tony Nappo


Theresa Tova


David Gale


Philip Cairns


Lisa Crawford

Since starting in 2018, I have worked on 90 projects, mostly BG Gigs. Here is what I have learned. Not every production treats its BG’s the same way. Physically restraining a main actor, walking in front of a moving car, and intimate kissing, all falls within normal BG activities. Really! AI-using your 3D image to create crowd scenes without pay happens now. If you can relate to these issues, let me use my 30 years experience as a negotiator to enhance our collective rights.

Thank you for sending me to Council this past term. It was my honour to connect with so many members, appreciate their questions and insights, and become their advocate for change. The past two years have been incredibly tough on our members, and at times the membership may have felt their representatives weren’t hearing or understanding them. I take accountability very seriously. I served as Treasurer with honesty, accessibility, and transparency, and wish to continue serving you on Council.

We're at a crucial moment in history for ACTRA performers. There's never been a more important time to fight for our rights, representation, consent, compensation, opportunities, & protections. As an ACTRA Toronto Councillor, Diversity & Inclusion Committee co-chair, & lifelong advocate I care deeply about your rights as a performer, and your ability to make the kind of living you deserve. I truly believe in our potential to create a fair & equitable industry & will continue to fight for us all.

I am a gender queer performer who is a proud member of ACTRA. I work as a principal performer and a background performer. I am also the producer of several short films and the ACTRA award nominated series, Pink Is In. I love providing opportunities for other ACTRA members. Much of my career as an artist has been dedicated to providing a platform for other artists who feel they may not have a voice at the table. If I am elected to ACTRA council, I will speak for you and voice your concerns.

Renée Strasfeld

Joy Tanner

Theresa Tova

Alicia Turner


Alison Mackay


Paula MacNeill


Wendy Crewson


Colin Mochrie


David Gale


Maria del Mar


Theresa Tova


Tony Nappo

I joined ACTRA in 2021, meaning my first ACTRA cheque was for a Covid test! As I was working predominantly in commercial VO, suddenly with the lockout, the work stopped. As the lockout reaches its 18th month, I want to help ACTRA members have accessible information that is easy to understand and fully transparent. I want us all to get back to work and I’m not afraid to speak up. I’ll be here to help members that need clarity, get clarity on whatever matter at hand. Union strong!

It’s been an honour serving the membership during ACTRA’s most challenging time to date. Looking for creative solutions to existential challenges, I’ve helped implement thoughtful and practical measures. Negotiating strongest deals, safe working conditions, elevating DEIB initiatives while maintaining fiscal responsibility to the Union are priorities. My experience at National Council, Editor of Performers Magazine, Liaison of YEAA & the Women’s Committee, with your vote, I'm fighting for you.

Standing with you through challenging times. Award winning actor who "proved an effective spokesperson about zero tolerance for sexual harassment in the industry” Tova serves as past President of ACTRA Toronto, Treasurer of ACTRA National, Chairs the EIC Entertainment Industry Coalition, Co-chairs AACE the Association of Acting Coaches and Educators, is a founding member of CASCU and sits on the boards of CANCOM and Theatre Teatron. Tirelessly advocating for work opps, respect and fair wages.

Hello! My name is Alicia and I am an ACTRA member, a stunt performer and a stunt coordinator. I am running for a second term on ACTRA Toronto Council to share my years of experience on set and the safety concerns of all members. In my previous term, the Council, along with the Toronto Stunt Committee, managed to pass new safety guidelines for low budget productions that will benefit everyone. In my second term, I will continue to push for fair and diverse hiring on all our shows.

Alexia Vassos

David Wallen

Lovina Yavari

Kate Ziegler


Joy Tanner


George Alevizos


Fiona Highet


Chris Tait


Michael Gordin Shore


Kyle Bailey


Bryn McAuley


Sandy Crawley

I’m a collaborative and compassionate artist, committed to advocating for ACTRA Toronto members. My previous experience as an alternate Council member has given me valuable insights into the importance of effective representation. I’m also proud to be an active member of the YEAA committee. It is my goal to foster inclusivity within our union, ensuring that members’ voices are valued. As a Disabled actor, I’ll fight for authentic Disability representation (and more of it!) in TV/film as well as.

Our union is on the verge of great transformation. Threats to our ability to earn fair living wages. The advent of AI. Employers bargaining in bad faith. But ACTRA hasn’t lasted 80 years without an ability to adapt to change while remaining a vibrant and viable creative force. I will act to increase your earnings, to create open dialogue ensuring members are heard, engaged & united, to building a more democratic and potent ACTRA. We ARE the union. Come Together & Vote for Change.

I am a dedicated ACTRA member and filmmaker with over a decade of experience. I’m tired of sitting in the sidelines, waiting for change. It goes against who I am. I’m ready to fight and serve as a voice for our members, contributing to shaping our industry's future. We deserve an equitable and nurturing environment that enables us to prosper and sustain a living from our craft. This is our career, not hobby. We are the face of our industry and have the power to change it as a team.

I joined ACTRA in 2011, working extensively as a voice actor until the lockout destroyed my career; inspiring a passion for labour and service to my Union. Since then I have connected with hundreds of actors. I revere their clarity, depth of feeling and desire for change. When we hear, ‘This is how it's always been done.’ My labour mentors taught me to ask: How does that benefit members? The answers, a guide. Creative work is labour, we have to defend our value and process. To do so, we the rank-and-file must organize. Let's come together and vote for change.

Jocelyne Zucco


Debra McGrath


Wendy Crewson

I'm committed to bringing your voice to council: the right to safety & respect on set, equal opportunity, accessibility, fair wages & residuals, diversity reflected on screen; fighting for you for a strong NCA. I serve as liaison to AYA & Voice committees, supporting their initiatives. I’m on Toronto's Women's committee. I've chaired the Conference 4 years, Awards Jury for 2. I'm grateful to contribute to our industry's evolution. I'm not done! I ask to serve you towards a stronger tomorrow.