IPA 2025 – 2027 is Ratified

IPA 2025 – 2027 is Ratified

Kate Ziegler
Dear Members,
ACTRA members have overwhelmingly ratified the new Independent Production Agreement (IPA), marking a historic moment for our union and the industry. (Read the Press Release)
This achievement would not have been possible without the incredible dedication and hard work of our IPA bargaining team. Their unwavering commitment, tireless efforts and strategic negotiation skills have resulted in an agreement that strengthens protections, improves working conditions and reflects the needs of our membership in a rapidly evolving industry.
We also want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the ACTRA Toronto staff, whose invaluable support and expertise was instrumental in securing this significant deal. Their efforts behind the scenes helped ensure our voices were heard and that we achieved the best possible outcome for performers.
PLEASE NOTE: The 2025 -2027 IPA came into effect on January 26, 2025. Updated documents are being posted to the Film Television & Digital Media page on our website as they are finalized.
Thank you for your continued support and solidarity. Together, we move forward stronger than ever!
In solidarity,
Kate Ziegler
ACTRA Toronto President
Highlights of the TENTATIVE AGREEMENT between ACTRA, Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA) and the Association québécoise de la production médiatique (AQPM)
Below are the highlights for proposals achieved for both ACTRA and the CMPA/AQPM. These have been separated into the following themes: Monetary, Artificial Intelligence, Residuals, Work Opportunities, Auditions & Self-Tapes, Respect & Equal Treatment, Animation, Intimacy & Consent-Based Interactions, Minor Provisions, Stunt Provisions and Health & Safety, Hair and Makeup Provisions, and Industry Conditions.
Please refer to the tentative Memorandum of Agreement to read the exact language that was negotiated.
1) Monetary:
- This Agreement will become effective upon a successful ratification vote and remain in effect until December 31, 2027. [(1) Term and Execution – G101]
- Background Performers will receive a 7% general rate increase effective upon ratification, 4% in 2026 and 3.5% in 2027. [(2) General Rate Increase]
- For additional Background Performers, under C503, rates will increase by $0.75 in year 1; $0.50 in year 2; and $0.50 in year 3. [(2) General Rate Increase]
- For all other minimum fees, we achieved a 6% general rate increase effective upon ratification, 4% in 2026 and 3.5% in 2027. [(2) General Rate Increase]
- Producers will contribute an additional 0.5% (to 5.5%) of the Performer’s Gross Fees for insurance benefits in year 2 of this Agreement [(2) General Rate Increase – A3801 Insurance]
- Producers will contribute an additional 0.5% (to 7.5%) of the Performer’s Gross Fees toward the Retirement Plan in year 3 of this Agreement. [(2) General Rate Increase – A3802 Retirement Plan]
- In order to equalize payments for each Performer who is designated as an Apprentice, temporary member, or permittee, Producers will contribute an additional 0.5% (to 12.5%) in year 2 of this Agreement. A further 0.5% (to 13%) contribution will occur in year 3 of this Agreement. [(2) General Rate Increase – A3703 Non-Member Equalization Payments and Deductions]
- For regular wardrobe compensation, achieved a 50% increase (from $20 to $30) per week per change in excess of two. For all formal and specialty wardrobe, achieved a 43% increase (from $35 to $50) per costume per week. [(H) A1601 Regular Wardrobe]
- A 100% increase (from $5 to $10) per change in excess of one, for Background Performers required to provide more than one change of clothing in the same session. A 43% increase (from $35 to $50) per change per week for Background Performers required to provide formal or specialty wardrobe. [(FF) C407 Wardrobe (a)] [(FF) C407 Wardrobe (b)]
- We were successful in achieving a stepped increase that boosts the Per Diem allowance by 7.7% (from $65 to $70) upon ratification and a further 7.7% (from $70 to $75) on January 1, 2027, for an accumulated 15.4% increase over the term of the Agreement. [(I) A1704 Per Diem Allowance]
- 25% increase to Choreographer compensation. [(N) A2303 Choreographer]
- Maximum contribution amounts for insurance and retirement will increase between 3-4% in year 2 of this Agreement. Additionally, these maximum contributions will no longer be tied to engagement contracts that exceed one hundred thousand dollars. [(AA) A3804 Maximum Contributions]
2) Artificial Intelligence (AI):
- Two entirely new sections (Part G and Part H) will be added to this Agreement clearly stipulating provisions related to Artificial Intelligence. Part G includes AI provisions for all live action Productions as well as Animation Productions with a theatrical declared Use. Part H includes AI provisions for Animation Productions, excluding Animation Productions with a theatrical declared Use. [(II) Part G Digital Replication and Alteration] [(JJ) Part H Digital Replication and Alteration of Animation Performers]
- Includes definitions for what is collectively referred to as Digital Replicas: Engagement-Based Digital Replica (EBDR) and Independently Created Digital Replica (ICDR) that reflect the achieved industry standard set by SAG-AFTRA in their TV/Theatrical negotiations. [(II) Part G Digital Replicas Definitions (G101)] [(JJ) Part H Digital Replicas Definitions (H101)]
- Performers must be notified no less than 48 hours in advance of provided services, provided with a reasonably specific description of the intended use of the Digital Replica and consent to provide such services. Consent must be clear and conspicuous and obtained through an addition to the Performer’s contract, or an appropriate statement in the Performer’s contract that is separately signed by the Performer. Consent continues to be valid after death, unless specifically limited otherwise. [(II) Part G Engagement-Based Digital Replica (G102)] [(JJ) Part H Engagement-Based Digital Replica (H102)]
- When a Performer provides services for the purposes of creating a Digital Replica, any time spent by the Performer in creating the Digital Replica shall be treated as work time. If the work occurs on a day when the Performer is not engaged for the Producer, the Performer shall be paid 1 day at the applicable minimum daily fee, or if the Producer has scheduled services to accommodate the Performers schedule, the Performer shall be compensated ½ of the minimum daily fee for a 4-hour session, or the minimum daily fee if the session exceeds 4 hours. [(II) Part G Digital Replication and Alteration (G102)] [(JJ) Part H Engagement-Based Digital Replica (H102)]
- When a Performer’s EBDR is used in a scene(s) in lieu of the Performer, the Performer shall be paid the minimum daily fee for each day the Performer would normally have been required to work. [(II) Part G Digital Replication and Alteration (G102)]
- Includes a definition and provisions for Synthetic Performer and Synthetic Voices as digitally generated assets created through Generative Artificial Intelligence technology. [(II) Part G Use of Synthetic Performers Created Through Generative Artificial Intelligence (G201)] (JJ) Part H Use of Synthetic Voices Created Through Generative Artificial Intelligence (H201)]
- Includes provisions and protections related to Background Performer Digital Replicas. [(II) Part G Use of a Background Performer Digital Replica (G303)]
- Both Parties commit to meet regularly to discuss any recordings made under this Agreement, or any previous Agreement, to train a GAI system. [(JJ) Part H (H203)]
3) Residuals:
- Reduction to the declared use period of all High Budget SVOD Productions under the New Media Option 1, irrespective of the Option exercised, from one year to six months. [(BB) B301 (g) (iii)]
- Restrictions placed on the Advance Option so that it is unavailable to foreign service Productions of Series and provides opportunities for all Performers to share in the commercial success of future Series. [(CC) B501 Options (c) Advance Option]
- Achieved a reduction in the Advance multiplier from 20 units to 12 units for the purposes of calculating the Aggregate Advance. The reduction of the multiplier unit means the maximum allowable Advance from individual Performers is lower, reducing the overall size of the Aggregate Advance. In turn, it will provide opportunities for Performers to participate in the commercial success of Productions sooner. [(DD) B507 Calculation of Aggregate Advance]
4) Work Opportunities:
- Increase in work permit cost for a non-Canadian citizen Performer from $225.00 to $260.00 for the first week of recorded performance. [(C) A701 Preferential Engagement of ACTRA Members (c)]
- Minor edits to align the language for Vocal or Dialogue Coach with the language used in other performance category definitions. [(O) A2304 Vocal or Dialogue Coach]
- Increases to the Background count that the Producer is required to engage on a Production.
- From 23 to 24 for any Production in Toronto or Montréal, excluding feature films with budgets over $35 million dollars which shall remain at 28. [(GG) C501 (a) (i)]
- From 17 to 18 for purely Canadian dramatic content in Toronto, Montréal or Vancouver. [(GG) C501 (a) (ii)]
- From 13 to 16 for any Production outside Toronto, Montréal, or Vancouver. [(GG) C501 (a) (iii)]
- A new Background count of 17 ACTRA members for any Production in Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Parry Sound, or North Bay. [(GG) C501 (a) (iv)]
5) Auditions and Self-tapes:
- The following gains were made to remove some of the increased burdens placed on Performers and to standardize the practices with respect to the audition process:
- If the script calls for a Role to be performed with a specific accent or dialect, this shall appear on the casting notice. [(W) A2801 Auditions (b)]
- Achieved the deletion of two scenes and included a reference to industry standard pages in relation to the scripted material a Performer is required to prepare for a first Audition that is a self-tape. [(W) A2801 Auditions (d)]
- The Producer shall provide accommodations to a Performer with a disability when required by applicable human rights legislation. [(W) A2801 Auditions (f)]
- The Producer shall endeavor to respond to any inquiries from a Performer or other representative whom it has invited to submit a self-tape as to whether a role has already been cast. [(W) A2801 Auditions (g)]
- Performers auditioned in Canada shall be provided with Audition materials similar to those provided to Performers being considered and/or auditioned for the same Role outside of Canada. [(W) A2801 Auditions (h)]
- The Producer may only request the following in a slate for a self-tape: Performer’s name, height (or height when seated for Performers using mobility devices), city and province of residence, citizenship, age and birthday (if a Minor), Performer’s special skill(s), head and shoulders shot and/or full body shot in portrait orientation (no panning or camera angles permitted) [(W) A2801 Auditions (i)]
- The following additional requirements apply to Dancers: music or sound supplied by the Producer, choreography provided by Producer, Dancers may not be asked to choreograph or improvise a dance. The choreography must be for a solo performance, may not exceed four eight-beat counts, and must be capable of being performed in a space no larger than 8ft x 8ft x 8ft. [(W) A2801 Auditions (j)]
- Self-tapes shall be stored in a secure facility or on a secure system which can only be accessed by individuals with a legitimate business purpose. [(W) A2801 Auditions (k)]
- Producers may not make an Audition recording publicly available without prior written consent of a Performer, which must be obtained at the time of use. [(W) A2801 Auditions (l)]
- For virtual Auditions, no Performer shall be required to assume primary responsibility for recording, monitoring, and adjusting sound levels, or editing the Audition. [(W) A2801 Auditions (m)]
- For Performers submitting a second or subsequent self-tape, there shall be a limit of 12 industry standard pages of scripted material. [(X) A2803 Audition Recall (a)]
- Landmark language has been achieved that excludes Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory holidays from being included in the 48-hour deadline for submission of a self-tape. Furthermore, language has been added for self-tapes that clearly stipulates the Producer shall make character breakdowns, sides and/or scripts available to Performers at least 48 hours prior to the deadline for submission. [(X) A2808 (b)]
- Clarifying language has been added that differentiates the terms of notice for virtual or in-person Auditions. [(X) A2808 (a)]
6) Respect and Equal Treatment:
- Language has been added to the Equal Opportunity Policy that ensures Producers will provide accommodations for Performers with Disabilities in accordance with human rights legislation. [(A) A502 Equal Opportunity Policy]
- The limitations of translation of material in Auditions have been extended to on-set obligations. Performers shall not be required to translate any script material into English or from any other language into another language. [(B) A606 Performer’s On-Set Obligations]
- Strengthened the Unfair Producer provisions to ensure all Parties with respond in a timely way when a Producer defaults on payments owing to Performers. ACTRA will now be permitted reasonable access to examine relevant records in such circumstances. [(D) A903 Producer’s Failure to Meet Payroll Obligations (c) and (e)]
- Streamlined the per diem allowance process requiring the Producer to provide the per diem allowance for up to a period of one week, in advance. The language requiring the Performer to submit an accounting and receipts against expenses has been removed. [(J) A1705]
- Facilities provided by a Producer shall accommodate a performer with a disability when required by applicable human rights legislation. [(L) A2001 Dressing Room and Sanitary Provision (a) (viii)]
- Producers to make best efforts to accommodate a Performer’s request for a suitable private space for lactation or pumping. [(M) A200X]
- Deletion of the provision that states a Performer has thirty days in which to report any error in payment. As a result of its deletion, labour laws in each jurisdiction will prevail. [(Z) A3603 Reporting of Errors]
- Clarifying language added to the booking provisions for Background Performers specifying they will be provided with the Call time and location details – whether interior or exterior – prior to 12 hours before the Call time. [(EE) C401 Booking and Upgrades (c)]
- Both Parties agreed to update the Standard Contract Form (Appendix 12) and the Performer Contract for Animation Independent Production (Appendix 43) to include a field for Pronouns to be used by Production. [(KK) Appendix 12 and Appendix 43]
- A new Letter of Understanding that recognizes the importance of accurate credits appearing on the IMDb and confirms that the Producer shall make reasonable efforts to assist a performer engaged on a Production with the information needed to correct or add a credit on IMDb. [(QQ) Appendix 11 – Letter of Understanding]
- A commitment by all Parties to establish a committee within three months of ratification to discuss Indigenous Productions and organize a summit between Indigenous Producers and Indigenous Performers within the first year of the Agreement. [(O) Appendix XX – Letter of Understanding]
- The CMPA and AQPM to distribute a bulletin to their members reminding Producers to be considerate of scheduling Performers following a lengthy travel day. [(RR) Notice to CMPA and AQPM Members]
7) Animation:
- Changes made throughout Animation section for additional work time to be pro-rated and calculated in one-tenth hour units. [(F) D103 Minimum Fees for Animation Performers] [(G) D105 Minimum Fees for Short Animated Productions (b)] [(H) D107 Bumpers and Generic Promos] [(I) D108 Promotional Announcers and Non-generic Promos]
- Significant reduction to the discounts that apply to Short Animated Productions. Effective January 1, 2026, a 20% discount will apply when an Animated Performer is engaged to work on 3 or more Productions in a session. Additionally, effective January 1, 2026, the 30% discount option will be eliminated. [(HH) D105 Minimum Fees for Short Animated Productions (c)]
8) Intimacy and Consent-based Interactions:
- Stronger language added to ensure nude or semi-nude Audition material is destroyed once it has served its purpose. [(P) A2401 Auditions]
- Clarifying language added to ensure Producers are clear of their obligation to notify post-production supervisors and editors who have an essential business purpose of the requirements related to any Performer who may be contracted to perform in a nude scene. [(Q) A2402 Contracts]
- Stronger provisions regarding Nude or semi-nude photos being taken – removing the exceptions of continuity purposes, still photos, and polaroids which had previously appeared in the language. Additionally, security provisions added to the language stipulating that only those individuals with a legitimate business purpose may be granted access to such materials. [(R) A2403 Rehearsal and Performance (c)]
- A new provision will be added to Part A24 - Nude Scenes requiring a Producer to use best efforts to engage an intimacy coordinator for scenes involving nudity or sex acts and to consider any request by a Performer to engage an intimacy coordinator in other scenes. [(S) A2404]
9) Minor Provisions:
- Stronger provisions that provide parents and guardians with access to both audio and video feeds has been added to ensure protective measures are in place for Minors when filming requirements do not allow a Parent or Guardian to be within sight and sound. Clarification regarding Minors aged 16 or 17 having access to the same rights, upon request of the Parent or Guardian. [(U) A2708 Presence of Parent (a)]
- All Parties have agreed to establish a committee that advocates for the health and safety of Minors on set. [(OO) Appendix XX – Letter of Understanding]
- Notice of night shoots have been increased from 36 hours to 48 hours to allow for Parents or Guardians to make necessary accommodations. [(T) A2703 Conditions of Engagement (b)]
- Requirement to provide notice upon contracting should a Minor be engaged to perform in a scene that depicts child abuse, disturbing violence or carnal acts. Should this not be known, further provisions have been added that require a Parent to be notified at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled scene, and should these 48 hours not be given, the Minor shall not be required to perform in the scene and notice must be given to ACTRA. [(V) A2709 Dangerous Work (b) (ii)]
10) Health and Safety:
- Stronger language that requires the pick-up location provided by a Producer to be well-lit and believed to be reasonably safe. [(K) A1706]
- A new provision that states appropriate measures will be taken by the Producer when Performers are working in areas where the air is affected by wildfire smoke. [(LL) Appendix 30 – Letter of Understanding Regarding Working Conditions]
11) Stunt Provisions:
- Expanded the definition of Risk Performance to include reasonably in reference to any action by a Performer being considered dangerous or beyond the Performer’s general experience. [(A) A440 Risk Performance]
- Achieved a momentous win by eliminating the lesser rest period provisions that have applied to Stunt Coordinators. There shall now be a rest period of not less than 11 hours for all Performers. [(E) A1301 Rest Between Days (Turnaround)]
12) Hair and Makeup Provisions:
- Altered the 15-minute increment used to compute time for makeup and hairdressing to 18 minutes increments to align with the 6-minute increments used elsewhere in the Agreement. [(C) A1501 Time for Makeup, Hairdressing, etc.]
- Expanded existing language provisions to increase protections and clearly assign responsibility in regard to the styling, maintenance, and restoration of a Performer’s hair or paying for the reasonable approved third-party costs of changing and maintaining the required hairstyle during Production. [(F) A1504 Hair and Restoration (a)]
- Achieved a new provision that ensures all Performers, excluding Background Performers, will be offered the opportunity for a meaningful consultation with the hair and makeup department prior to commencing work. This pre-production conversation will allow for the hair and makeup department to be prepared to work with each Performer and has the appropriate tools and equipment to do so. [(G) A15XX Hair and Makeup Consultations]
- A new Letter of Understanding has been incorporated that intends to address situations where hair and makeup services cannot be provided on set and ensures fair compensation for Performers involved in self-styling or third-party services. Subject to prior approval by the Producer, on a day that is not a workday, the Performer shall be paid 2 hours or approved time spent in receiving hair and/or makeup services, whichever is greater. On a day that is a workday, the Performer shall be paid for the approved time spent in self-styling and/or self-applying of makeup. The bigger goal is to improve the availability of and expertise of hair and makeup professionals in the industry. [(MM) Appendix XX Letter of Understanding - Hair and Makeup Professionals]
- A new Letter of Understanding has been incorporated that outlines the responsibilities and procedures regarding the hairstyling of Background Performers in Production. Upon the Producers request and before booking, a Performer must provide a clear photo showing their current hairstyle and color. If a Producer requests changes to a Background Performer’s natural hair texture or hairstyle that will take more than 30 minutes (either self-styling or by a third-party service) to achieve, the Producer must cover all pre-approved expenses for the change. Background Performers will be compensated on a workday for their time spent, and on a non-workday, they shall be paid the approved time spent on styling or a minimum of 2 hours at their contracted hourly rate, whichever is greater. [(NN) Appendix XX Letter of Understanding]
13) Industry Conditions:
- Amendment to the definition of Series to remove the requirement that the Episodes be presented in a regular pattern. [(B) A442 Series]
- Modifications to the conditions around rehearsal footage which will allow for preserved performances to be used for promotional purposes provided the Producer notifies the Performer at least 24 hours in advance and the Performer provides prior consent. If the material is used for promotional purposes, Performers will be compensated in accordance with the fees outlined in A3203. [(D) A2308 Preproduction Rehearsal and Reading Session]
- Modifications to the language around promos, or trailers to exclude Background Performers. [(E) A3203]
- An increase of 7% to the budget tiers for Productions Made for New Media. [(J) E106 Productions Made for New Media Minimum Fee]
- Updated the references in Part F of the Agreement to include Reality TV, and reflects the fact that Reality Productions are no longer an emerging genre of Production. Additionally, removed the monetary threshold for Fact-based/Lifestyle/Reality Productions to be able to access the terms of Part F in the IPA. [(K) Part F – Fact-Based/Lifestyle/Reality Production (F101; F102; A418)]
- Reduced the number of Episodes in which a recurring individual who plays an integral role in a Fact-based/Lifestyle/Reality Production appears, from 6 to 5 Episodes. [(K) Part F – Fact-Based/Lifestyle/ Reality Production (F201)]
- Streamlining the administrative process by modifying the Voluntary Recognition Agreement to include a section that allows Foreign Producers to notify ACTRA of whether the Producer is relying on the Non-Canadian Content provisions (A707) of the Agreement. [(L) Appendix 3 – Voluntary Recognition Agreement]
- Restructured the Schedule of Discounts of Minimum Fees for the Canadian Independent Production Incentive Program (CIPIP) that includes a separate budget tier for Features from Movies of the Week and Mini-Series. A $3,250,0001 to $4,000,000 budget tier introduced with a 15% discount for an all-Canadian Cast or 5% discount for when a Producer engages a non-Canadian Performer in a CIPIP project. [(M) Appendix 18 – Canadian Independent Production Incentive Program (6. Schedule of Discounts of Minimum Fees)]
- Modifications to Appendix 21 of the IPA have been made that recognize the multipartite agreement establishing the Comité national de santé et de sécurité au travail (secteur de l’audiovisuel) in Québec and the language being asserted by other Unions and Guilds. Provision added that specify the AQPM may collect money from Producers to fund the Committee. [(N) Appendix 21 – Provisions applying to Québec only]
- The Parties agreed to a new Appendix that specifies a definition for Toronto meaning the regions of Durham, Halton, Peel, and York. This definition is in relation to articles A3701 and C501 of the Agreement which deal with Background Performer counts. [(P) Appendix X – Definition of “Toronto”]
TL;DR Version (Condensed Highlights) of the TENTATIVE AGREEMENT between ACTRA, Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA) and the Association québécoise de la production médiatique (AQPM) IPA Tentative Agreement
Below is a condensed version of the highlights for proposals achieved for both ACTRA and the CMPA/AQPM. These have been separated into the following themes: Monetary, Artificial Intelligence, Residuals, Work Opportunities, Auditions & Self-Tapes, Respect & Equal Treatment, Animation, Intimacy & Consent-Based Interactions, Minor Provisions, Stunt Provisions and Health & Safety, Hair and Makeup Provisions, and Industry Conditions.
Please refer to the tentative Memorandum of Agreement to read the exact language that was negotiated.
Minimum Fees Increase (excluding Background Performers):
- 6% increase for all minimum fees upon ratification.
- 4% increase in 2026 and 3.5% in 2027.
Background Performers' Fees:
- 7% increase in Background Performers' minimum fees upon ratification
- 4% increase in 2026 and 3.5% in 2027.
Additional Background Performers
- Rate increases: $0.75 in Year 1, $0.50 in Year 2, and $0.50 in Year 3.
- Increased minimum compensation for choreographers at 125% of applicable solo Dancer fees.
Insurance & Retirement Contributions:
- 5% increase in Year 2 for insurance contributions, totaling 5.5% by 2026.
- 5% increase in Year 3 for retirement contributions, totaling 7.5% by 2027.
Per Diem Allowance:
- 7% increase in Year 1 (from $65 to $70) and another 7.7% in 2027 (from $70 to $75).
- 50% increase (from $20 to $30) for regular wardrobe compensation.
- 43% increase (from $35 to $50) for formal and specialty wardrobe compensation for all Performers.
- 100% increase (from $5 to $10) for Background Performers wardrobe compensation.
Digital Replicas:
- Introduction of new provisions in Part G and Part H for AI, digital replication and alteration in live action and animated Productions.
- Performers must be notified 48 hours in advance of a Digital Replica being created and asked for their signed explicit consent.
Background Performers:
- Background Performers must be notified 48 hours in advance of a Digital Replica being created and asked for their signed explicit consent.
- If a Background Performer is digitally altered to appear as if they are speaking lines with dialogue included, they will be upgraded accordingly.
Animation Performers:
- Animation Performers must be notified 48 hours in advance of a Digital Replica being created and asked for their signed explicit consent.
Transparency in Use of Digital Replicas:
- Performers will be given a reasonably specific description of how their Digital Replicas will be used, ensuring transparency and informed consent.
Compensation for Use of Digital Replicas:
- All time spent creating a Digital Replica on a workday is considered work time, and forms part of a Performer’s workday, including Background Performers and Animation Performers.
- If a Performer is called in only for the creation of a Digital Replica, they shall be appropriately compensated.
Synthetic Performers and Synthetic Voices:
- Digitally generated characters and voices may only be used after prior negotiations with ACTRA.
Faster Residuals for High Budget SVOD:
- The initial use period for all High Budget SVOD Productions has been reduced from one year to six months.
Foreign Series:
- No Advance Option for foreign series, ensuring Performers share in profits.
- Advance multiplier reduced from 20 to 12, limiting the amount of the overall size of the Aggregate Advance.
Residuals Enforcement:
- ACTRA will focus on stronger enforcement of residual payments and detailed reporting of sales and profits.
Non-ACTRA Performers:
- Work permit fee for a Performer who is not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and not a member of ACTRA has been increased to $260 for the first week.
Increased Background Counts:
- New Background Performer count requirements increase work opportunities across regions.
Accents or Dialects:
- Performers cannot be required to audition with a specific accent/dialect unless specified in the casting notice.
Self-Tape Limits:
- The Producer option to provide two scenes of unlimited length has been eliminated.
- First self-tape auditions cannot exceed 8 pages of industry standard scripted material.
- Performers auditioned in Canada will receive similar Audition materials to Performers outside of Canada.
- Standardization of information a Producer may request in a Performer’s slate for a self-tape.
- Limitations to what a Producer may ask of a Dancer for a self-tape.
- The 48-hour deadline for submission of a self-tape now excludes Saturdays, Sundays, and Statutory Holidays.
Disability Accommodations:
- Producers must provide necessary human rights legislation accommodations for Performers with disabilities during auditions.
Support for Performers with Disabilities:
- Strengthened Equal Opportunity Policy ensuring accommodations in line with human rights legislation.
Fairer Booking Process:
- Background Performers to receive notification on whether a location is interior or exterior when they are provided with their Call time and location details.
Payment Corrections:
- Removed 30-day limit for reporting payment errors.
Indigenous Performers:
- New committee to discuss Indigenous Productions and organize a summit between Indigenous Performers and Producers.
Additional work time:
- Additional work time for Animation Performers to be compensated in 6-minute increments.
Discount Terms:
- The 30% discount for Short Animated Productions will be eliminated in year 2.
- The 20% discount for Short Animated Productions will apply in year 2 to Performers recording 3 or more Productions in a Session (increased from 2).
Protection of Audition Materials:
- Stronger language ensures nude, or semi-nude audition materials are destroyed after use.
- Only individuals with a legitimate business purpose may be granted access to nude or semi-nude materials.
Intimacy Coordinators:
- Producers must use best efforts to hire an intimacy coordinator for scenes involving nudity or sex acts.
- Performers can request an intimacy coordinator for other scenes for safety without concern of reprisal.
Post-Production Considerations for Nude Scenes:
- Post-production supervisors and editors will be provided with a copy of a nudity rider for Performers involved in nude scenes to ensure the rider requirements are upheld.
Parental Access to Filming:
- Parents and guardians can access audio and video feeds when filming requirements do not allow for presence on set. These protections also apply to Minors aged 16 and 17.
Health & Safety Committee for Minors:
- New committee established to advocate for Minor Performers' health and safety on set.
Night Shoot Notice for Minors:
- Notice period for night shoots involving Minors increased from 36 to 48 hours.
Sensitive Content Scenes:
- Parents/guardians must be notified 48 hours in advance if a Minor is scheduled for scenes with sensitive content. If the required 48 hours is not given, the Minor is not required to perform in the scene.
Safe Pick-Up Locations:
- When transportation is required, Producers must provide safe, well-lit pick-up locations for Performers.
Wildfire Smoke Protection:
- New provisions ensure Performers' health is safeguarded when working in areas affected by wildfire smoke.
Risk Performance Definition:
- Expanded definition includes any action considered reasonably dangerous and beyond a Performer’s general experience.
Rest Periods:
- Stunt Coordinators guaranteed 11 hours of rest between workdays.
Industry Improvements:
- Performers, excluding Background Performers, will be offered the opportunity for a consultation with the hair and makeup department prior to work.
- Commitment to improve the availability and expertise of hair and makeup professionals in the industry.
Time Increments:
- Time increments for hair and makeup changed to 18 minutes for consistency.
Self-Styling Compensation:
- Performers, excluding Background Performers, will be compensated for approved self-styling or using third-party services when no hair/makeup services are available by Production.
Background Performers' Hair Styling and Compensation:
- If a Producer requests changes, Background Performers will be compensated for approved time spent changing hairstyle.
- Before booking, a Producer may request an updated photo of a Background performers current hairstyle and color.
Updated Definition of "Series":
- Episodes no longer need to follow a regular pattern, offering more flexibility.
Reality Productions Update:
- Reality productions have been added to the definition of Fact-based shows and are no longer an emerging genre. The financial thresholds have been removed to encourage more work opportunities.
Changes to Recurring Roles:
- Requirement for recurring individuals to appear in Fact-based/Lifestyle/Reality Productions has been reduced from 6 to 5 episodes.
- Rehearsal footage can be used for promotional purposes provided notice and consent are given.
- If materials are used for promotional purposes, Performers will be compensated.
Streamlined Voluntary Recognition:
- Producers can easily notify ACTRA if relying on Non-Canadian Content provisions, simplifying processes.
CIPIP Restructure:
- New budget tier for CIPIP Features introduces discounts for Canadian and non-Canadian Performers based on budget range.
Appendix 21 Modifications:
- Recognizing the Quebec National Health and Safety Committee and allowing AQPM to collect admin fees to fund the committee activities.
New Definition of "Toronto":
- "Toronto" now includes the City of Toronto as well as Durham, Halton, Peel, and York regions, impacting Background Performer counts.
A guide to the frequently asked questions regarding the TENTATIVE Independent Production Agreement (IPA) between ACTRA, the Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA), and the Association Québécoise de la Production Médiatique (AQPM), specifically for eligible voters.
The FAQs are organized by the following topics:
- Monetary
- Artificial Intelligence
- Residuals
- Work Opportunities
- Auditions and Self-Tapes
- Respect and Equal Treatment
- Animation
- Intimacy and Consent-Based Interactions
- Minor Provisions
- Stunt Provisions
- Health and Safety
- Hair and Makeup Provisions
- Industry Conditions
- Online Voting
For the precise language of the negotiated terms, please refer to the tentative Memorandum of Agreement included in your ratification package.
Click on the sections below for quick access to the information you need.
There will be a 6% increase for all minimum fees in the first year, excluding Background Performers, effective upon ratification. The subsequent two years of this Agreement will see general rate increases of 4% in 2026 and 3.5% in 2027.
Minimum Daily Fees will increase by 7% for Background Performers in the first year. The subsequent two years of this Agreement will see general rate increases of 4% in 2026 and 3.5% in 2027.
Additional Background Performer rates will increase by $0.75 in year 1; $0.50 in year 2; and $0.50 in year 3.
Producers will contribute an additional 0.5% of the Performer’s Gross Fees to insurance benefits starting in year 2 of this Agreement. In summary, effective January 1, 2026, the current 5% contribution will increase to 5.5%.
Producers will contribute an additional 0.5% of the Performer’s Gross Fees to the retirement plan starting in year 3 of this Agreement. In summary, effective January 1, 2027, the current 7% contribution will increase to 7.5%.
Per diem rates have remained the same since 1999. This round we were successful in achieving a stepped increase that boosts per diem allowance by 7.7% (from $65 to $70) upon ratification and a further 7.7% (from $70 to $75) on January 1, 2027, for an accumulated 15.4% increase over the term of the Agreement. Additionally, the per diem allowance has been streamlined to ensure Producers provide it up to one week in advance, and the requirement for Performers to submit receipts for expenses has been removed.
The Agreement has resulted in significant increases in wardrobe compensation: a 50% increase for regular wardrobe, from $20 to $30 per week for changes more than two; and a 43% increase for formal or specialty wardrobe, from $35 to $50 per costume per week. Additionally, for Background Performers required to provide more than one change of clothing in the same session, a 100% increase from $5 to $10 per change more than one will be provided. Background Performers will also receive the 43% increase from $35 to $50 for formal or specialty wardrobe.
Two entirely new sections (Part G and H) will be added to the Agreement. These sections will clearly stipulate provisions regarding Artificial Intelligence: Digital Replication and Alteration as it applies to both Animation Productions and live-action Productions.
The Agreement will include definitions for two types, collectively referred to as Digital Replicas: Engagement-Based Digital Replica (EBDR) and Independently Created Digital Replica (ICDR). These definitions reflect the industry standards set by SAG-AFTRA in their TV/Theatrical negotiations, ensuring consistency and clarity in the use of Digital Replicas across North America.
- Engagement-Based Digital Replica (EBDR)
- EBDR is a replica of the voice or likeness of a Performer and is digitally created when a Performer is working on a Production, and the Performer physically participates in such creation.
- Independently Created Digital Replica (ICDR)
- ICDR is a digitally created asset that is intended to look and sound like a real, recognizable Performer, but the Performer is not working for the Production in which it will be used but has provided consent for the replica to be used.
- Engagement-Based Digital Replica (EBDR)
Performers must be notified no less than 48 hours in advance when their services will be used for creating a Digital Replica or GAI in a Production. The notification must include a reasonably specific description of the intended use. Consent from the Performer must be obtained before creating the Digital Replica, and this consent must be clear, defined, and documented. The consent is secured through an addition to the Performer's contract, or through a separate statement in the contract, which must be signed by the Performer.
Any time spent by a Performer creating a Digital Replica will be treated as work time. If the work occurs on a day when the Performer is not otherwise engaged by the Producer, the Performer will receive one day’s pay at the applicable minimum daily fee. If the Producer schedules the work around the Performer's availability, the Performer will be compensated with half of the minimum daily fee for a 4-hour session. If the session exceeds 4 hours, the Performer will receive the full minimum daily fee.
Performers must be notified at least 48 hours in advance if their services are needed to create a Digital Replica. This gives Performers time to prepare and make informed decisions about their participation.
Yes, Performers will be explicitly asked for their consent. The request will be clear and will be documented through signatures or initials. This ensures Performers understand the nature of their work.
Yes, Performers will be given a reasonably specific description of how their Digital Replica will be used. This helps Performers make an informed decision about whether to consent, ensuring transparency about the intended purpose of their likeness.
All of the existing protections and provisions within A24 of the IPA – Nude Scenes – continue and cannot be overridden by these AI provisions. Performers will not be required to appear in the nude while rendering services for the creation of a Digital Replica without the Performer’s prior consent. Additionally, in no event will a Minor appear in the nude when rendering services for the creation of a Digital Replica.
Unless otherwise specified, consent for the Digital Replica remains valid even after the Performer’s death. This means their likeness can continue to be used according to the terms agreed upon, unless specific limits have been set.
All time spent by the Performer to create an EBDR on the same day they are engaged to perform other work for the Producer is considered work time. This time forms part of the Performer’s workday and should be compensated as such.
If a Performer is called in solely for the purpose of creating an EBDR and is not engaged in any other work for the Producer, they must still be compensated for their time spent creating the Digital Replica.
Yes, a Producer must obtain consent from the Performer 48 hours prior to the creation of an EBDR and will be compensated.
When a Performer’s EBDR is used in a scene(s) in lieu of the Performer, the Performer shall be paid the minimum daily fee for each day the Performer would normally have been required to work.
No, your EBDR is only for the Production you were engaged in. Any use in another Production requires your consent and the right to negotiate separately for such use.
Language for Background Performers in terms of AI includes:
- Advance Notification: Background Performers must be notified no less than 48 hours in advance of the time they are required to participate in the creation of a Background Performer Digital Replica.
- Explicit Consent: Background Performers must be asked for their explicit, informed consent to provide services related to the creation of a Digital Replica, and this consent must be signed or initialed by the Performer.
- Clear Description of Use: Background Performers should be provided with a reasonably specific description of the intended use of their Digital Replica, ensuring transparency.
- Consent Valid After Death: The consent given by the Background Performer continues to be valid after their death, unless explicitly limited otherwise.
Compensation for Background Performers in AI include:
- Work Time for EBDR Creation: All time spent by the Background Performer to create a Background Performer Digital Replica (EBDR) on the same day they are engaged to perform other work for the Producer is considered work time. This time is part of the Background Performer’s workday and should be compensated accordingly.
- Compensation for Solely Creating Digital Replicas: If a Background Performer is called in solely to create a Digital Replica and is not providing any other work for the Producer, they must be compensated for their time dedicated to creating the replica.
- Consent for Use of Digital Replicas: A Background Performer’s Digital Replica may not be used in any Production that the Performer was not originally engaged in without their explicit, informed consent. The Performer will be compensated for such use if it occurs.
- Upgrade for Principal or Actor Roles: If a Background Performer’s Digital Replica is used in a Principal or Actor category role, or if the replica is digitally altered to appear as if the Performer is speaking lines with dialogue, the Background Performer must be upgraded to the appropriate category and compensated accordingly.
Language for Animation Performers in terms of AI include:
- Advance Notification: Animation Performers must be notified no less than 48 hours in advance of their services being required to create a Digital Replica, ensuring adequate time for preparation.
- Explicit Consent: Animation Performers must be asked for their explicit, informed consent to provide services related to the creation of a Digital Replica. This consent must be signed or initialed by the Performer, ensuring clarity and transparency.
- Clear Description of Use: Animation Performers must be provided with a reasonably specific description of the intended use of their Digital Replica, ensuring they are fully informed about how their likeness will be utilized.
- Posthumous Validity of Consent: The consent granted by the Animation Performer will continue to be valid after their death, unless explicitly limited otherwise.
Compensation for Animation Performers in terms of AI include:
- Work Time for EBDR Creation: If an Animation Performer spends time creating an EBDR on the same day they are also doing other work for the Producer, that time counts as part of their workday.
- Compensation for Solely Creating EBDR: If an Animation Performer is called in only to create an EBDR and isn’t doing any other work for the Producer, they must be paid for that time.
- Consent for Use in Other Productions: If the Producer wants to use an Animation Performer’s Digital Replica in a Production they weren’t originally hired for, the Producer must get the Performer’s consent and negotiate payment for its use.
ACTRA achieved three important changes:
- 6-month use period: For High Budget Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD) Productions, residuals after 6 months use worldwide, no matter what options are chosen. This will allow Performers to participate in profits of the Productions sooner.
- No Advance Option for Foreign Series: Foreign service Productions of Series no longer have access to the Advance Option, which gives Performers a better chance to share in the profits.
- Lower Advance Limits: The maximum cap on the individual Performer’s Advance payment that can be attributed to the overall Aggregate Advance for a Production has been reduced from multiplier 20 to 12. This means, each Production may recoup their total Aggregate Advance earlier, for Performers to participate in the commercial success of Producers sooner.
These changes benefit members in the following ways:
- Faster Profit Sharing: Performers will have the ability to start getting a share of profits sooner, as the 6-month rule kicks in for High Budget SVOD Productions.
- Better Profit Rights: Excluding the Advance Option on non-Canadian series forces the Producer to choose the Prepayment Option and start paying residuals at the end of the Option term.
- Fairer Advances: With the multiplier reduced from 20 to 12, Performers have a better chance to receive residuals.
Over the next three years, ACTRA PRS will focus on:
- Stronger Enforcement of Reporting and Payments: Making sure that all Productions follow the rules, properly report, and pay residuals;
- Set Higher Reporting Standards: ACTRA PRS will push for more detailed reports on sales and profits, and will use audits, grievances, and arbitration to ensure all Productions comply and treat Performers fairly.
The work permit fee for Performers who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents and not members of ACTRA has increased from $225.00 to $260.00 for the first week of recorded performance. This adjustment helps ensure a level playing field for permit fees paid by Canadian and non-Canadian Performers working in Canada.
ACTRA has successfully negotiated language that recognizes and values the work of Choreographers. Moving forward, Choreographers will be compensated at not less than 125% of the applicable daily or weekly Solo Dancer Fee. This 25% increase to their minimum fee reflects the importance of their role in Productions.
The Background count requirements have been increased as follows:
- For Productions in Toronto or Montréal (excluding feature films with budgets over $35 million), the count will increase from 23 to 24.
- For purely Canadian dramatic content in Toronto, Montréal, or Vancouver, the count will increase from 17 to 18.
- For Productions outside Toronto, Montréal, or Vancouver, the count will increase from 13 to 16.
- A new Background count of 17 ACTRA members is required for Productions in Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Parry Sound, or North Bay.
These increases aim to provide more work opportunities for ACTRA members across various regions.
If the script requires a specific accent or dialect, notice will be given as part of the casting process.
For a first self-tape audition, a Performer cannot be required to audition with more than 8 industry-standard pages of scripted material.
Producers must provide accommodations to Performers with disabilities when required by applicable human rights legislation, ensuring that auditions are accessible to all Performers.
Producers must make character breakdowns, sides, and/or scripts available to Performers at least 48 hours prior to the submission deadline for a self-tape. Note that Saturdays, Sundays, and statutory holidays are now excluded from these 48 hours.
Several new provisions regarding what a Producer may request in a slate for a self-tape have been achieved. These include:
(i) The Performer’s name;
(ii) The Performer’s height (or height when seated for Performers using mobility devices);
(iii) The Performer’s city and province of residence, and citizenship;
(iv) The Performer’s current location and province of residence for tax purposes, if different from the city and province of residence;
(v) The Performer’s age and birthday, if the Performer is a Minor;
(vi) Information about the Performer’s special skill(s) which the Producer determines is necessary for the performance of the Role (e.g., horseback riding, swimming, accents, ability to play a musical instrument or play a sport); and
(vii) A head and shoulders shot and/or a full body shot in portrait orientation. The Producer may not request any changes in camera angles or panning. (For clarity, this does not preclude a Producer from requesting that the Performer change position, e.g., to provide a profile shot.)
In addition to the provisions regarding slate for a self-tape, Dancers must also be provided with any music or sound required for the self-tape. The Producer may not ask the Dancer to choreograph or improvise a dance, and the specific choreography may not exceed four eight-beat counts; must be capable of being performed in an indoor space no larger than 8x8x8ft; and must be for a solo performance.
The Agreement includes enhanced language in the Equal Opportunity Policy, ensuring that Producers will provide accommodations for Performers with disabilities in accordance with applicable human rights legislation. Additionally, Producers must ensure that facilities, such as dressing rooms, accommodate Performers with disabilities when required.
The Agreement has extended the limitation on translation duties, ensuring that Performers are not required to translate script materials into English or from any other language into another language, both during auditions and on-set.
The Agreement introduces several provisions to improve the working environment, including ensuring Producers make best efforts to accommodate Performers’ requests for private spaces for lactation or pumping. Furthermore, Producers must make accommodations for Performers with disabilities in line with human rights legislation.
Background Performers will now receive notice of whether a location is interior or exterior when they receive their call time and location details.
The Agreement has removed the previous provision requiring Performers to report payment errors within 30 days. Now, the relevant labour laws in each jurisdiction will prevail, offering greater flexibility for reporting errors.
The Agreement has introduced updates that include a field for pronouns on the Standard Contract Form and Performer Contract for Animation Independent Production. Additionally, a new Letter of Understanding ensures that Producers will assist Performers in correcting or adding credits on IMDb.
A new Letter of Understanding commits all Parties to establishing a committee within three months of the Agreement’s ratification to discuss Indigenous Productions and organize a summit between Indigenous Producers and Indigenous Performers within the first year of the Agreement.
A bulletin will be distributed to members of CMPA and AQPM to remind Producers to be considerate when scheduling Performers following a lengthy travel day, ensuring that Performers are not overburdened by tight schedules.
The Agreement commits to updating language to reflect gender-neutral terms and pronouns throughout, ensuring inclusivity and respect for all Performers.
Payments for work exceeding the included work time are now pro-rated and calculated in one-tenth hour units (6-minute increments). This applies to Animations, Short Animated Productions, Bumpers and Generic Promos, and Promotional Announcements and Non-Generic Promos.
Yes, the discount terms for Short Animated Productions have been revised. Starting January 1, 2026, a 20% discount will apply when an Animated Performer works on 3 or more productions in a Session, while the previous 30% discount for 3 or more Productions in a Session will be eliminated in year 2.
Stronger language has been added to ensure that nude and semi-nude audition materials are destroyed once they have served their purpose. This protects the privacy of Performers and ensures the material is not retained unnecessarily.
Producers are now clearly required to notify post-production supervisors and editors, who have an essential business purpose, about any Performer contracted to perform in a nude scene. This ensures that all involved Parties are aware of the specific requirements and considerations.
The provisions around nude or semi-nude photos have been strengthened. Exceptions for continuity purposes, still photos, and polaroids have been removed. Additionally, security measures have been added to ensure that only individuals with a legitimate business purpose can access these materials.
A new provision has been introduced requiring Producers to use their best efforts to engage an Intimacy Coordinator for scenes involving nudity or sex acts. Producers are also encouraged to consider any requests from Performers to engage an intimacy coordinator for other scenes, ensuring a safer and more respectful environment.
If a Performer feels uncertain, they should first engage with their agent who can help navigate the situation and, if necessary, ACTRA can advocate for the inclusion of an intimacy coordinator on behalf of the Performer, ensuring a safe and professional environment. Stronger language has been added to the Agreement to ensure Performers are better protected, without fear of reprisal.
Stronger provisions have been added to ensure that parents and guardians have access to both audio and video feeds of the filming process, providing protective measures for Minors when the parent cannot be physically present on set. Additionally, Minors aged 16 or 17 are granted the same access rights upon request by their parent or guardian.
A committee has been established to advocate for the health and safety of Minors on set. This initiative is formalized in a new Letter of Understanding, which outlines the commitments of all Parties involved. This will help ensure that appropriate measures are in place to protect Minors during Production.
The notice period for night shoots involving Minors has been increased from 36 hours to 48 hours. This change allows parents or guardians more time to make necessary accommodations for their child’s participation in a Production.
If a Minor is contracted to perform in a scene depicting child abuse, disturbing violence, or carnal acts, the parent or guardian must be notified at least 48 hours in advance. If this notice is not given, the Minor will not be required to perform in the scene without the parent’s explicit consent, and ACTRA must be notified.
Producers are now required to provide a pick-up location that is well-lit and deemed reasonably safe for Performers. This ensures that the safety of Performers is prioritized when they are being picked up for work.
A new provision has been added to the Letter of Understanding regarding working conditions, stating that Producers will take appropriate measures to protect Performers when working in areas where the air quality is affected by wildfire smoke. This ensures that the health of Performers is safeguarded in such conditions.
The definition of Risk Performance has been expanded to include any action by a Performer that could reasonably be considered dangerous or beyond the Performer's general experience.
A significant improvement has been made by eliminating lesser provisions for Stunt Coordinators, ensuring that all Performers, including Stunt Coordinators, receive a rest period of at least 11 hours between workdays. This ensures equal rest, better overall well-being, and health and safety for all involved.
The 15-minute increment used for calculating time for makeup and hairdressing has been adjusted to 18 minutes to align with the 6-minute increments used in other parts of the Agreement, creating a consistent and standardized approach to time calculations.
The provisions have been expanded to increase protections for Performers and clearly assign responsibility for the styling, maintenance, and restoration of a Performer's hair to the Producer. This includes covering reasonable third-party costs for changing and maintaining the required hairstyle during Production.
A new provision ensures that all Performers, excluding Background Performers, are offered the opportunity for a meaningful consultation with the hair and makeup department before starting work. This allows the hair and makeup team to prepare and ensure they have the appropriate tools and equipment for each Performer.
If hair and/or makeup services cannot be provided on set, Performers are to be compensated fairly. On non-workdays, they will be paid for 2 hours or the approved time spent receiving hair and makeup services, whichever is greater. On workdays, they will be paid for the approved time spent on self-styling or applying makeup. This provision aims to improve the availability and expertise of hair and makeup professionals in the industry.
Background Performers must provide a clear photo of their current hairstyle and colour before booking. If a Producer requests a change to the Performer's natural hairstyle that will take more than 30 minutes, the Producer must cover pre-approved expenses. Background Performers are compensated for their time on workdays, and on non-workdays, they will be paid for the approved time spent or a minimum of 2 hours at their contracted hourly rate, whichever is greater.
The definition of "Series" has been amended to remove the requirement that Episodes must be presented in a regular pattern.
The references in Part F of the Agreement have been updated to include Reality Productions and reflect that these Productions are no longer considered an emerging genre. Additionally, the monetary threshold for Fact-based, Lifestyle, and Reality Productions to access the terms in Part F has been removed.
The number of Episodes in which a recurring individual, who plays an integral role in a Fact-based/Lifestyle/Reality Production, has been reduced from 6 to 5 episodes.
The Voluntary Recognition Agreement has been modified to include a section allowing foreign Producers to notify ACTRA if they are relying on the Non-Canadian Content provisions of the Agreement, streamlining the administrative process.
The Schedule of Discounts for the CIPIP has been restructured to introduce a separate budget tier for Features. This new budget tier has been added with a 15% discount for an all-Canadian cast or a 5% discount when a non-Canadian Performer is engaged.
The new budget tier will appear as follows:
Budget* | All Canadian Cast Percentage Discount | Other Percentage Discount |
Features | ||
Under $2,500,000 | 35% | 25% |
$2,500,001 to $3,250,000 | 25% | 15% |
$3,250,001 to $4,000,000 | 15% | 5% |
Modifications to Appendix 21 now recognize the multipartite agreement establishing the Comité national de santé et de sécurité au travail in Québec. A provision has been added specifying that AQPM may collect funds from producers to support the committee.
A new Appendix defines "Toronto" as the regions of Durham, Halton, Peel, and York. This definition is relevant to articles A3701 and C501 of the Agreement, which deal with Background Performer counts.
The voting eligibility criteria is as follows, for each ACTRA branch:
- All Full Active Members in good standing who have worked under the 2022-2024 IPA agreement from January 1, 2022 to November 30, 2024
- All Full Active Members who were not active Full Active Members during the qualification period and who may qualify under one of the other eligibility criteria
- Apprentice Members who have 2 engagements in a residual category under the 2022-2024 IPA agreement from January 1, 2022 to November 30, 2024
- Apprentice Members in a background role who have worked the required number of days under the 2022-2024 IPA agreement from January 1, 2022 to November 30, 2024
- Additional Background Performers who have worked the required number of days under the 2022-2024 IPA agreement from January 1, 2022 to November 30, 2024
- Permittees or other non-members who have 2 engagements in a residual category under the 2022-2024 IPA agreement from January 1, 2022 to November 30, 2024
- Permittees or other non-members who have worked the required number of days in a background role under the 2022-2024 IPA agreement from January 1, 2022 to November 30, 2024 using the same criteria as Additional Background Performers
ACTRA has engaged ElectionBuddy, a third-party online voting software company, to conduct the online vote for the ratification of the renewal of the Independent Production Agreement. Conducting this vote by online ballot allows you to vote in a reliable and secure way. ElectionBuddy will ensure complete anonymity and confidentiality for eligible voters. Because the vote is being conducted by a third-party, ACTRA will not have any knowledge of who has voted.
Click here to read the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).
WATCH: ACTRA Toronto Executive Director Alistair Hepburn, ACTRA National President Eleanor Noble and ACTRA National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator Marie Kelly walk you through the IPA Tentative Agreement.
Time Stamps:
00:00: Opening remarks from Eleanor Noble
03:10: Meet the IPA Bargaining Committee
06:20: Marie Kelly provides an overview of the Memorandum of Agreement
52:50: Alistair Hepburn provides an overview of the new AI provisions
1:16:00: Next steps on ratification with Eleanor Noble
ACTRA Toronto members on the IPA Bargaining Team

Get to know your IPA Bargaining Team
Get to know your sibling ACTRA Toronto members who have stepped up to represent you during 2024 IPA bargaining. Find out why they decided to participate, what they hope to achieve during negotiations this fall, what they have been shocked to learn (so far) and more!