Just the FAQs…

The major disruption to our industry caused by the pandemic has meant lots of questions from members and, in turn, lots of answers, resources and links to useful information, provided by elected leaders, professional staff, outside experts and industry allies. The problem is those answers are sprinkled all over the website which can make finding your answer a little like finding a needle in the proverbial haystack. So, here is a “haystack-free” list of places where you can find answers.
Need help understanding the various lines on your pay stub? Check out our Understanding Your Cheque page.
We are currently receiving a very high volume of calls and emails. If you are missing a payment, or believe your payment is incorrect, check out our Missing Payments page for a list of steps to take before calling ACTRA.
(from the ACTRA Toronto Online Town Halls page)
Since the early days of the pandemic in March, ACTRA Toronto has scheduled frequent online Town Hall meetings to update members about breaking news that affects our industry and work opportunities and to provide an opportunity for members to hear their questions answered by their elected union leaders, professional staff and expert panellists. (For links to recordings of the Town Halls, visit the Online Town Halls page.)
(from the COVID-19 Best Practices page)
The Film and television industry health and safety during COVID-19 Guideline, prepared by the Section 21 Film and Television Health and Safety Advisory Committee has now been amended (as of November 24, 2020) by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. ACTRA Toronto has prepared the following highlights for Performers. Please refer to the complete Ministry Guideline document (as well as the Amendment Summary document) for complete information.
Read our FAQ for Performers (gold tab at the bottom of this FAQ) for more tips on how to return to work safely and responsibly.
Click on any section to display/hide the relevant guidelines.
- Productions should identify the management persons chiefly responsible for enforcing COVID-19 prevention/response and provide the contact information if workers have concerns.
- To help stop the spread of COVID-19, everyone should comply with the requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and with associated regulations and public health directives issued by the Chief Medical Officer of Health.
- All workers should be provided and required to review the Guideline, and relevant production policies and protocols prior to commencing work.
- All workers should be trained by a qualified person on the Guideline and Production safety policy, the proper use of personal protective equipment, disinfection techniques and handwashing/sanitization techniques.
- Productions should consider the additional time and supports needed to carry out these duties.
- Prevention methods in order of effectiveness:
- Physical distancing
- Physical barriers
- Enhanced handwashing and personal hygiene
- Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Reporting health concerns to employer and public health
- Workers should be aware of the symptoms of COVID-19. COVID-19 can be spread person to person through close contact, including while at work.
- Workers should self-screen before coming to work.
- Workers should not attend the workplace if they are symptomatic or required to isolate due to a quarantine order or direction from public health.
- Productions should have a procedure in place if someone symptomatic attends the workplace.
- Workers who are symptomatic or is aware that someone in the workplace is symptomatic should report it to Production and notify their union.
- Returning to work for previously symptomatic workers may require clearance from Production, health care providers, and the local public health unit.
- Screening should take place before individuals are allowed entry into the workplace.
- Individuals may be required to answer a health questionnaire.
- Temperature testing with a contactless thermometer may be required in addition to the health questionnaire.
- There should be a protocol to manage when individuals do not pass the screening.
- There should be a system to identify persons who have passed the screening.
- At the time of writing, the government of Ontario’s online self-assessment tool lists the following symptoms: Additional symptoms may be identified as we learn more about COVID-19.
- Fever (feeling hot to the touch, a temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius or higher)
- Chills
- Cough that's new or worsening (continuous, more than usual)
- Barking cough, making a whistling noise when breathing (croup)
- Shortness of breath (out of breath, unable to breathe deeply)
- Difficulty swallowing
- Runny nose (not related to seasonal allergies or other known causes or conditions)
- Stuffy or congested nose (not related to seasonal allergies or other known causes or conditions)
- Lost sense of taste or smell
- Pink eye(conjunctivitis)
- Headache that’s unusual or long lasting
- Digestive issues (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain)
- Muscle aches
- Extreme tiredness that is unusual (fatigue, lack of energy)
- Falling down often
- For young children and infants: sluggishness or lack of appetite
- Workers who have symptoms related to COVID-19 should be sent home. The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to other illnesses, like the cold and flu. Workers exhibiting any symptoms (regardless of whether the illness has been confirmed) are required to be sent home. Public Health Ontario has provided helpful guidance on self-monitoring and self-isolation.
- In addition, employers should advise these workers to complete the online self-assessment or call either:
- Telehealth: 1-866-797-0000
- Their primary care provider (for example, family physician)
- Handwashing or sanitizing stations should be available.
- Remote auditions are highly encouraged and should be provided as an option for those not comfortable with in-person auditions.
- If absolutely required, in-person auditions should avoid open calls and "go-sees".
- In-person auditions must allow for physical distancing through a variety of means:
- Scheduling longer times between auditions to avoid congestion
- Reducing the number of people in the audition room
- Asking performers to wait outside (e.g. In their vehicle) until called to come inside
- Ensuring waiting spaces are large enough to allow for physical distancing
- Ensure that physical barriers (such as plexiglass) are in place between any unmasked Performers and others in the room
- In-person auditions should allow a Performer to remain masked for the audition if possible.
- For everyone’s safety, should the Performer be required by the Producer to audition without a mask on, ACTRA highly recommends that a rapid antigen COVID-19 testing plan be in place prior to the audition
- Effective HVAC Hepa filters or systems running a MERV-13 or higher filtration process should be used
- As COVID-19 is airborne, ensure enough time between auditions to properly replace the fresh air supply in the audition room
- Reduced physical paperwork, use digital paperwork instead
- No shared paper sides
- Disinfecting any surfaces or props touched by a performer between auditions
- Rehearsals and table reads should be done remotely if possible.
- If remote rehearsals and table reads are not possible, physical distancing and the prevention methods listed above should be utilized to ensure performer health & safety.
For further information, see the Best Practices – Voice Studios page.
- Voice recording should be done remotely if possible.
- Producers should consider supplying disinfected recording kits to performers to assist with remote recordings.
- If remote voice recordings are not possible, physical distancing and the prevention methods listed above should be utilized to ensure performer health & safety.
- Avoid any group recording sessions, if possible.
- Disinfect all surfaces and equipment performers come into contact with before and after each session.
- Allow performers to bring their own headphones.
- Divide workers (e.g. cast and crew) into pods with processes as to how to access, and who will access, the different areas.
- Limit the sets and offices to essential personnel only – for example, implementing "closed-set" rules.
- Avoid or limit large crowd scenes.
- Use boom microphones instead of LAV microphones.
- Wherever possible, have performers perform tasks that would usually require a worker to be closer than 2 metres from the performer – for example, instructing performers how, and allowing them, to wire themselves for sound/put on their own LAV microphones.
- Provide single-occupancy dressing rooms.
- Performers should be directed while maintaining physical distance of at least 2 metres. Avoid touching or physically moving performers into position.
- Provide background holding and change areas that allow for physical distancing, including arranging for background holding to be outdoors, if possible (and weather permitting).
- Require any individuals who interact with a performer at a distance of less than 2 metres to wear a mask and face shield and wash/sanitize hands.
- Where performers agree to touch one another during a scene, performers must wash or sanitize their hands immediately before and after each take.
- Limit the repetition of physical touching, as much as possible.
- Permit the performer handling a prop to reset the prop between takes.
- Provide sufficient washroom facilities, handwashing/sanitizing stations, receptacles for disposable personal protective equipment, etc., for the number of workers, and work that will be performed, on the site.
- Allocate time to adequately clean and disinfect stunt equipment.
- Require any individuals who interact with a performer at a distance of less than 2 metres to wear a mask and face shield and wash/sanitize hands.
- Where performers agree to touch one another during a scene, performers must wash or sanitize their hands immediately before and after each take.
- Limit the repetition of physical touching, as much as possible.
- Extra care and consideration should be given when child performers and their parents/guardians will be on set.
- Interaction between child performers and others should be limited as much as possible.
- If possible, a separate holding area should be provided for child performers.
- Virtual/remote tutoring should be considered.
- When possible, tutoring locations should not be used for other purposes. Tutoring locations should be appropriately disinfected in between each use.
- Minimal styling will be provided for child performers.
- Handwashing or sanitizing stations should be available in or close to food service areas.
- All individuals should wash their hands before and after entering.
- Physical distancing should be maintained. Measures may include staggered mealtimes, floor markings, and different eating areas.
- Foods should be individually packaged.
- Bring food and a water bottle from home if possible, there may not be food offered on some sets.
- All individuals should put their garbage directly into bins and not leave it for others to clean up.
- Access to craft truck for food servers only
- Disposable plates, bowls, etc. and individually packaged cutlery should be used.
- Protocols will be in place to maintain a physical distance of at least 2 metres within hair, make-up and wardrobe facilities, as possible. Such protocols may include:
- Establishing and posting a maximum number of individuals who may be present in a trailer or change area
- Limiting the number of performers that may be in a space receiving styling at a time
- Placing workstations at least 2 metres apart
- Scheduling make-up tests and fittings to avoid overlap/congestion
- Adequately vent all work areas.
- No eating or drinking in the hair/make-up/wardrobe area when work is being done on performers.
- Handwashing or sanitizing stations should be available in or close to hair/make-up/wardrobe areas.
- Stylists working on performers should wash or sanitize their hands before and after working on a performer.
- Some performers may be requested to do their own hair/make-up/touch-ups while being directed, from a distance, by a stylist/artist.
- Have separate supplies (e.g. make-up, applicators, brushes, hair pins, etc.) for each individual cast member and store these supplies in separately marked bags.
- Avoid sharing make-up between performers.
- Use disposable applicators, brushes, etc., when possible.
- Mix make-up on disposable palettes, when possible.
- De-pot make-up, where possible.
- Provide disposable single-use chair covers for each performer.
- Disinfect wardrobe items regularly, for example, before/after each use and before/after being placed in storage.
- Bag costumes separately by performer.
- Have separate wardrobe pieces for stunt performers, doubles.
- Utilize underdressed second skin costumes to limit direct contact with wardrobe pieces.
- Masks should be worn in vehicles when multiple individuals are present, even if physical distancing can be maintained.
- Provide hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies in all passenger vehicles where individuals will be seated.
- Keep the windows down in the vehicle, weather permitting, to improve air circulation.
- No eating or drinking in passenger vehicles any time that a passenger is present.
- All items that a passenger brings into a vehicle, including any garbage, should be removed by that individual, and not left for the driver, or anyone else, to clean up.
- Regularly disinfect all frequent touchpoints such as door handles and window buttons.
- Disposable seat covers should be available in passenger vehicles and individuals must dispose of their own seat cover.
- All vehicles will be thoroughly disinfected at the start or end of each day.
- Workplace COVID-19 protocols should include plans to address whether, and the extent to which diagnostic testing of cast and appropriate crew will take place. Where it is appropriate based on significantly negative public health indicators (e.g. high weekly incidence rates) at the time and in the area that production is operating, production should implement regular diagnostic testing for appropriate individuals. Any diagnostic testing should adhere to guidance from applicable public health authorities.
- If your concerns are related to COVID-19, there will be a designated person responsible for enforcing the production’s COVID-19 health and safety policy. Check the call sheet for their contact information.
- If your issue concerns an intimate scene, assistance may be available from the intimacy coordinator if one has been engaged by the production.
- If this is an emergency, you have the right to refuse unsafe work. The Occupational Health and Safety Act gives workers the right to refuse work that they believe is unsafe to themselves or others. Workers who believe they are endangered by workplace violence may also refuse work. The specific procedure to follow in order to establish a work refusal may be found here.
- During office hours – 416-928-2278 or (toll-free) 1-877-913-2278
- 24/7 at HAVEN Helpline – 1-855-201-7823
- Non-emergency afterhours – afterhours@actratoronto.com
From our Vaccinations page…

What we know about shooting and getting shots…
Click on a question to display/hide the answer
Under the Ontario Human Rights Code, anyone with a doctor diagnosed medical condition or a religious affiliation that precludes vaccination must notify their employer in order to be accommodated in their duties by their employer, and must also provide appropriate proof that they qualify for this exemption. If you qualify for this exemption, ACTRA would advise you to acquire the necessary documentation which includes a note from your medical practitioner or from the leader of your place of worship.
The Government and the Human Rights Commission continue to allow employers to have vaccine mandates in the workplace. We continue to remind Productions that if they have a mandate in place, to disclose it to the Performer in the audition breakdowns or prior to bookings.
Additionally, in Ontario the definition of up to date "means a person has received all recommended COVID-19 vaccine doses, including any booster dose(s) when eligible.”. You will note it does not say 2 doses.
ACTRA Toronto continues to support and adhere to all public health advisories and legislation regarding Covid-19 and vaccination, and encourages all members to get vaccinated if they are medically able and to continue to adhere to the safety protocols that have been so successful to-date in the industry.
IMPORTANT: ACTRA does not create on set safety policies. The obligation to create health and safety policies, including Covid-19 policies, rests with the individual producer and engager. ACTRA is actively engaged in ensuring the health and safety of our members on set and will challenge any policy deemed to be unreasonable or discriminatory under the Human Rights Code.
Additional Resources:
A vaccine policy may require that all cast and crew provide proof of vaccination, with limited exceptions for those who cannot be vaccinated for human rights reasons, or may require individuals to undergo regular antigen testing for the virus for those who decline the vaccine, in order to work on a production. As more locations in Ontario will require productions using their spaces to be vaccinated eg. Universities and hospitals, productions may need to ensure that anyone on those sets has been vaccinated. A Production seeking to implement such a policy should communicate any requirements in their casting breakdowns.
Ontario provincial and municipal links related to Vaccination Policies
The COVID-19 Return To Work Agreement between American Unions and Studios have been extended through January 31, 2023.
The new agreement also allows for employers to opt to institute stricter protocols for masking and testing on Productions in Zone A of sets.
While the policies are available to American producers and reference Canada, any policy requiring mandatory vaccination or mandatory vaccination disclosure requires further scrutiny under Canadian law. All studios operating in Ontario must have policies in place which adhere to applicable Human Rights legislation and the Section 21 protocols.
ACTRA Toronto and the Ontario Unions and Guilds are working together to arrive at a measured and unified response, and we will keep ACTRA members informed as things develop.
OHRC policy statement on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates
September 22, 2021
Vaccination requirements generally permissible
While receiving a COVID-19 vaccine remains voluntary, the OHRC takes the position that mandating and requiring proof of vaccination to protect people at work or when receiving services is generally permissible under the Human Rights Code (Code) as long as protections are put in place to make sure people who are unable to be vaccinated for Code-related reasons are reasonably accommodated. This applies to all organizations.
Upholding individual human rights while trying to collectively protect the general public has been a challenge throughout the pandemic. Organizations must attempt to balance the rights of people who have not been vaccinated due to a Code-protected ground, such as disability, while ensuring individual and collective rights to health and safety.
COVID-19 and Ontario’s Human Rights Code – Questions and Answers
Updated January 12, 2021 - The OHRC has developed a series of questions and answers for understanding your human rights and obligations during the COVID-19 pandemic. These questions and answers cover the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees, tenants and landlords, as well as residential institutions. [Disclaimer: The answers to the questions posed do not constitute legal advice. The OHRC continues to monitor the evolving situation and will update or add to these questions and answers on an ongoing basis as needed.]
(from COVID-19 Updates page)
We encourage all members to follow the advice of health professionals. We appreciate that the current situation is cause for concern and anxiety and are grateful for steps performers are taking to look after each other — providing support to those who are particularly vulnerable in these times.
Links to helpful resources are organized by category below. Click on the category tile to display/hide the list of links in the category.
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Ontario Ministry of Health: The 2019 Novel Coronavirus
- Toronto Public Health: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19 Page)
- Telehealth Ontario can be reached at 1-866-797-0000
- Telehealth Ontario TTY can be reached at 1-866-797-0007
- World Health Organization
- WSPS (Workplace Safety & Prevention Services)
- Ontario Emergency Assistance Program
- CRA YouTube Videos (Sign up for My Account, Get ready to do your taxes and more.)
ACTRA Toronto Virtual Town Hall Recordings
- ACTRA Toronto's COVID 19 Best Practices page
ACTRA Toronto Stories
- ACTRA Spotlight – Stories about ACTRA Toronto member volunteerism, union activism and professional development during COVID-19!
- Ontario Film Commission – Professional Development & Learning Resources
- CBC List of Helpful Links for Artists and Freelancers
- Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre - COVID-19 Fraud
Ontario Government
- Ontario Provincial Antigen Screening Program
- Ontario Ministry of Health, Management of Cases and Contacts of COVID-19 in Ontario
Private Testing Facilities
This list is provided for convenience only. ACTRA Toronto cannot recommend nor endorse testing facilities.
(from the ACTRA Toronto By-Law Referendum page)
This FAQ sketches the rationale behind the key proposed amendments to the ACTRA Toronto By-Law. We will update it throughout the voting period (July 5 – July 19, 2021). If there’s a question that you think should be added, please email us.
- Article 1: Updated language to reflect our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging and our work advancing equality and an industry free of harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence
- Article 4: Expanded description on the role of Council and the practice of appointing Alternates. Note, definition of quorum to require a majority of elected Councillors for financial decisions, elections and amendments to the By-Laws.
- Article 5: Description added on the role of the Executive
- Article 6: New – Provision regarding Committees, Caucuses and Task Forces
- Article 7: Updated and clearer language on the provision of honoraria
- Article 8: Addition of clause to provide for regular review of the By-Laws
- Article 10: The Election process: provision for an Election Committee to oversee an updated and streamlined on-line election
- Article 11: New - Process for By-elections and other elections by Council members /em>
(from the ACTRA Toronto Resources Tab of the COVID-19 Resources section of the COVID-19 Updates page)
To help us through the lockdown, we turned our #ACTRAspotlight on great Canadian content to enjoy at home. Maybe we can’t get together yet but we can #KeepWatchingCanadian together!
Check out ACTRA Toronto Spotlight for various links to Canadian shows, films, streaming services and other cultural content of interest to members, including our ACTRA Toronto@Work interview series in which working actors share their experience of the new realities of working during the pandemic. We update the ACTRA Toronto Spotlight page content regularly so, please check back often!