Low Budget Guideline
The Low Budget Guideline is meant for first time and emerging producers working with emerging and diverse performers. Productions under these guidelines are for theatrical or festival use.

Preliminary Note
Where the terms of the Low Budget Agreement are silent, the terms of the current Independent Production Agreement apply.
Step One
Please familiarize yourself with the Low Budget Guideline in full before proceeding to step two.
Step Two
This checklist outlines all the documents required to make a full paperwork submission to ACTRA Toronto. Please note the timelines within this checklist.
Step Three
Blank templates to complete some of the checklist items can be found here:
- Voluntary Recognition Agreement (What’s this? It’s the document where you agree to the terms of the IPA)
- Security Agreement (What’s this? It’s a document, required before you start production, that protects the payment due to performers.)
- Production Form
Need assistance in completing these forms?
Please review the how-to documents below:
Here is a copy of the Low Budget Productions Rate Chart for reference.
Paperwork Submission Portal
Ready to submit your full paperwork package? Please follow the instructions below.