Sexual Harassment Prevention Workplan

ACTRA Toronto is committed to safe, harassment-free workplaces. Find out about our policies on our Discrimination & Harassment Policy page.
Scroll down or use the Quick Links below to learn more about ACTRA Toronto’s evolving workplan to prevent Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying and Violence.
To Report Harassment:
During business hours
Call the ACTRA Toronto office (416-928-2278 or 1-877-913-2278)
24/7 Emergency Reporting:
- File an incident report 24/7 at HAVEN Online.
What can you expect when you call us to report sexual harassment?
Need counselling or other health services, including crisis support?
If you need to access immediate counselling services, all ACTRA and UBCP/ACTRA members now can access the AFBS Member and Family Assistance Program (MFAP), provided through TELUS Health. This service is bilingual, available 24/7, and has trauma-informed counselors in addition to referral services to in-person short-term counselling.
To access MFAP Support, please call 1-844-880-9142.
Please remember to identify yourself as having access to the MFAP as an ACTRA or UBCP/ACTRA member through AFBS when placing a call. If you are the Member, you must provide your Member name and date of birth at the time of your call. If an eligible Dependant is calling, they will also need to provide your name and date of birth.
PLEASE NOTE: This is not a 911 emergency line. If you have a serious emergency, dial 911.
Statement from ACTRA on the safety of women in the entertainment and media industry
The disturbing allegations about producer Harvey Weinstein are an important reminder of the work we all need to do to make workspaces safe for all performers. We know sexual discrimination and sexual harassment are very real issues in the industry and in society as a whole. We also know, sadly, how prevalent and difficult predatory behaviour is to report. As industry leaders, we all have a role to play in ending the culture of silence. It’s incumbent upon all of us to combat it and create a safe space for victims to speak out without fear of retribution or harassment. ACTRA works hard to ensure safe and respectful working environments for our members and industry partners, but we know there’s much more to do. We take reports of harassment and bullying very seriously. We are going to work with our industry partners to build on what we are already doing. This will require an industry-wide effort to address a systemic problem that has existed and often been ignored for way too long. We all have to and will do better.
ACTRA National President David Sparrow
ACTRA National Vice-President Alvin Sanders
ACTRA Toronto President Theresa Tova