ACTRA Toronto strongly condemns anti-Black racism, police violence and all forms of discrimination and harassment. On June 15, 2022, data was released by the Toronto Police Service that revealed race statistics on the use of force and strip searches, providing proof of the systemic discrimination and disproportionate abuse of power that Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latinx, West Asian, South Asian and Southeast Asian people have experienced at the hands of police and which has been the subject of continual protest by racialized communities for many years.
ACTRA Toronto recognizes we all have a responsibility and a role to play in dismantling systems that perpetuate racism and inequality, as well as building new ways to promote the health and well-being of all. This is why, in alignment with the Ontario Human Rights Commission, we support the call for the Toronto Police Services Board, Toronto Police Service, the City of Toronto and the Government of Ontario to take bold action to address systemic and anti-Black racism in policing and to respect and protect the lives of all racialized and Indigenous people.
As part of our commitment to bring about real and lasting change within our union and our industry and through the advocacy work of our membership and staff, we have taken steps to educate our union, improve resources and supports, create and develop work opportunities, support and celebrate BIPOC creators and content and advocate for a more fair and just industry and society. While there has been progress, we recognize that this is ongoing work and continue to work closely with our membership.
To racialized and Indigenous ACTRA Toronto members, we recognize the trauma that can be reawakened when race-based statistics such as these are made public and encourage you to seek support through HAVEN Helpline (1-855-201-7823) or by visiting actra.ca/haven. (See Additional Resources)
“This data lays bare the truth that BIPOC activists have been saying all along. My heart aches for the re-traumatisation that may arise on hearing this news and I call on all ACTRA members to be upstanders for their Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latinx, West Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian and Queer siblings who are disproportionately targeted for violence.”
David Gale, President ACTRA Toronto
To learn more about ACTRA Toronto’s support for the notion to ‟Defund the Police,” read the statement published by the ACTRA Toronto Council in April 2021 and visit ACTRA Toronto Performers Online Magazine.
Additional Resources
Mental health care for racialized communities in the GTA.
Community care, health and mental health services for First Nations, Inuit or Metis Peoples (status or non-status and their families).
Hong Fook Mental Health Association
Culturally competent care for Asian and other communities on the GTA.
A Muslim Youth Peer Helpline (but open to all who call):
1-866-NASEEHA (1- 866-627-3342)
Culturally affirming health and mental health care for black folks in the GTA.
Women’s Health in Women’s Hand
Counselling and health services for racialized women from African, Black, Caribbean, Latin American and South Asian communities in the GTA.