There’s a new voucher in town. The new Green voucher will replace Blue, Pink & Yellow paper vouchers on set. The big change on the green voucher is the the top left box where you mark the appropriate checkbox to indicate your ACTRA membership category (Full Member, Apprentice,…
February 01, 2021 ACTRA Toronto requires all productionsto include COVID-19 testing plans As of January 21, 2021, ACTRA Toronto requires all productions to include plans for testing in their COVID-19 safety protocols. To-date, the Film and television industry health and safety during COVID-19 Guideline, developed by the Section 21 Film and Television Health…
We are currently receiving a very high volume of calls and emails. If you are missing a payment, or believe your payment is incorrect, please refer to the following steps: Reach out to the agent/individual who booked you to see if they have received any cheques or correspondence from Production.Have…
The IPA, COVID-19, Cancellations and Postponements The IPA includes the following provisions for postponements and rescheduling of days. As we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, ACTRA Toronto is dealing with productions on a case-by-case basis. Check the relevant IPA provisions and speak with your Agent and ACTRA if you have…